Monday, June 06, 2005

Canned Fruit

I always wondered why people buy canned fruit. You know, the fruit soaking in that syrup. I just don't get it. If you walk the extra 20 feet, the fresh stuff is right there. I suppose if you are in the Army canned fruit is ok, or if you are stocking a bomb shelter with supplies. That's the downfall of bomb shelters, no fresh stuff. Your last meal on earth is probably going to be something out of a can, like Chef Boyardee Ravioli with a fruit cup for dessert. Not the way I'd like to spend my last minutes on earth....opeing a can, heating it on a hot plate, then sucking down a fruit cocktail before I drop dead.

The thing that always made me laugh about canned fruit is that it basically all tastes the same. The fruit cocktail with the grapes, peaches, pears, pineapples, and cherries all tastes the same. Only the texture of the fruit makes you know what the hell you are eating, otherwise that fruit all tastes the same from that heavy syrup it has been soaking in since 1997. Funny part is, my brother, sister, and I used to fight over the cherries when we were little. Why? Maybe because of the difference in color, who knows, but it tasted the same as the rest of the drenched shit in that can. Not to mention canned fruit has little or no nutritional value.

I say enjoy fresh fruit while you can! Unless bombs are falling, I am in a hurricane shelter, or I have no teeth left to's fresh all the way!


Darcey said...

My mom used to give me the fruit in a can with cottage cheese as my afternoon snack. But even though it all tasted the same, that's a moment of my childhood summers. I tried it again in college (I found I ate a lot of the things I remembered fondly from childhood and things I wasn't allowed to have like sugary cereals), and decided that even the cherries weren't worth the syrup. Blech.

supplymadam said...

The only thing good from a can is Red Pack Tomatoes!

Bridget Unnel said...

Sniffle sniffle... one of the last things my grandmother asked for in her final days of lucidity was little snack packs of canned peaches. For that reason alone, I always think of her in that aisle of the local ShopRite.

Anonymous said...

My mom would use the fruit cocktail in the jello. I don't buy canned fruit though I admit last week, I was looking at my in-laws cupboard and was tempted to open up their Canned Syrup Lychees!!

Molly said...

I HATE fruit cocktail but I do eat Mandarin Oranges (though not in syrup the ones with the pear juice) and peaches and pears in their own juices from a can. I like them on cottage cheese a lot! Some canned fruits are easier than buying fresh and I like to have them on hand for popping open and eating!

Anonymous said...

Darianj is right, the fruit looks like it is half rotted!

Miss_Vicki said...

The cherries were the best part! I used to go for those first myself when I was a kid.

You'll appreciate this - this morning I ate a plate of fresh strawberries, blueberries, raspberries & red grapes for breakfast - fresh even! Plus, no check-writer in line in front of me, thank freakin God! Well, I did get a smelly guy, which I guess is worse.

Miss_Vicki said...

as an afterthought, I've never eaten cottage cheese in my life and don't plan on it - yuk!

Charlie Mc said...

I have never tried cottage cheese either! just looks nasty!

aww Bridet, :(

looks like we are all in agreement about canned fruit!!! haha

Panthergirl said...

Oh god...canned fruit is ALMOST as bad as canned vegetables. Awhile back I wrote about my mother's horrible cooking, including the canned asparagus...may have to re-run that one soon.

Anonymous said...

I saw on a report once that canned mushrooms are not allowed more than 2 maggots.