Only In NY..........

This picture was taken somewhere in NYC. Is it me or does it clearly look like a body is in that bag? This lady seems to be either clueless or carefree.
I have to admit, I am pretty oblivious in regard to my surroundings. When I drive all I really look at is the road and what's in front of me. I've lived in my town for 5 years and I still notice restaurants and shops for the first time that have been around for years. It's only when I am a passenger in a car that I really notice my surroundings. I think I'd notice a body on a sidewalk if I walked past it.
OMG!! It is a body!
I'm exactly the same way. LOL. I've got tunnel vision, don't pay attention at all. That's probably why I'm always getting lost or tripping over my own feet. ;)
Actually, it looks like Batman is taking a nap on the sidewalk! :)
When I lived in Brooklyn, I came out of the house one morning to see a body on the sidewalk, surrounded by police tape. People were bringing their little kids over to SEE IT. Ay yi yi.
Okay, Kate's "Batman taking a nap on the sidewalk" comment is cracking me up.
And I, unfortunately, am HYPER aware of everything around me. Since I live in a wooded area, I'm forever mistaking trees and woodland creatures for spooky stalkers and boogeymen...So I'd like to think I'd notice a body on a sidewalk. But even if I did notice it, I'd probably just avert my eyes and continue walking, because I'm passive that way.
I THINK IT's TWO BODIES!!!! I am back from my trip!
I was going to say it looks like rolled up carpet,but then isn't that what people use to roll up a body? I guess we'll never know.
I think in NYC, you get so used to seeing bodies on the side of the road that you don't even notice anymore.
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