Monday, June 06, 2005

Microwave Etiquette

Most people don't have public microwave etiquette. Most people don't even know what public microwave etiquette is. Okay, well maybe I just made up the term, but there are simple rules to follow when using a microwave at work:

1) Keep your exotic seafood dishes at home. Nothing sickens me more than the office smelling like the boat from "The Perfect Storm."

2) Put a lid on it! Don't splatter up the microwave with your hamburger helper or whatever that is on your plate, put something over it!

3) Watch the cook times. Burnt popcorn is not a pleasant aroma for anyone fucko!

4) Keep it limited to ONE microwave. Don't be occupying several microwaves for side dishes and other bullshit.

5) Don't torment us with small time intervals, if something takes 3 minutes to cook, punch in 3:00. Not :30 six times making us look like Pavlov's dog running to the microwave thinking it's free everytime the buzzer goes off.

If you can't follow these rules, go out for lunch fuckers...or bring cold cuts.


Jenni said...

A friend of mine once hit the "Baked Potato" button on the office microwave instead of the popcorn button, she walked away and forgot about it...until the microwave caught fire and had to be put out with the fire extinguisher...nice.

Anonymous said...

Wow. You sound pretty disgruntled. Did someone hog the microwave at work today, poor baby? LOL.

Charlie Mc said...

nah, nothing actually happened, I just thought of it......I am in a good mood today! :)

supplymadam said...

Oh the dreaded microwave! When I worked in a office I always had to clean it out before I used it for the fear of other peoples crud that was left behind might bake into whatever I had to heat up. Gross stuff splattered all over it!
Do they do this at home too?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget do not microwave saran wrap or cook in anything plastic(even though it says microwaveable)That shit is releasing upon radiating.

Bridget Unnel said...

Amen! Can I get an "Alleluiah"?

Miss_Vicki said...

I totally agree with the fish thing - fucking gross! I hate seafood enough as it is.

Dawn said...

I agree with you 120%. I use to work in a office next to our lunchroom and people will burn the food (becaue they like it that way).

It makes me so mad. I hate the smell of it for home people!