Father's Day Wishes From Bruce

Since I am Brucey's Dad, I figured I'd post a pic of father and son in honor of Father's Day! Enjoy the weekend everyone!
When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful, a miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical. All the birds in the trees, well they'd be singing so happily, joyfully, playfully watching me. But then they sent me away to teach me how to be sensible, logical, responsible, practical. And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable, clinical, intellectual, cynical. There are times when all the world's asleep, the questions run too deep for such a simple man.
It's about damn time!! ;)
Great pic!
At least you're not wearing something...Yankees.
Bruce is toooooo cute I think I wuv him. I'm such a sucker for dogs.
Now i miss u more!!!
Oh yeah - you're cute too, not just your doggie! ;)
I'll 2nd Miss Vicky on that - Its about damn time!!
Now I can put a face with my #1 fan... I know who to look out for should it go to stalker status. ;)
Y'know, cuz I'm so desirable m'self... with my amazing... um, wits. Yeah, wits. Oh, and the coveted baseball tickets.
You ladies haven't gotten to see him from the waist down though, even better! Sorry C-Mac, I just had to!
I can confirm what Katie said!! :)
WOO HOO!!!!!! Your really handsome. Happy Fathers day to ya!!! I agree with miss viki, Bruce is soooooo cute!!!!
LC, I see that you've been fortunate too huh?
Cute dog, cuter guy....r u single?
Charlie, Darling, where have you been all my life?
Kidding. I'm not THAT lame.
Just happened to fall upon your blog randomly. I like it. But it looks like a lot of other ladies like it too...
Precious dog. Hope he treats you right for Father's Day and at least gets you a card...
C-Mac - Being that your head is probably sufficently inflated by now, let me just say this....
It's nice to see the face that matches the cool personality...and I could just eat up your dog.. ;)
Who' Bruce's daddy?
Wow you are so photogenic amongst many other things. Kiss that doggie for me and he can kiss YOU for me! Happy daddy's day!
There you are! Funny - I pictured you as a lean blonde with short surfer spikey hair ...
exactly how I image, hot!
You WOULD look better in a Red Sox jersey, however ;)
Why did you put a hat on Bruce???
Heck, now if you come to my birthday party, I'll know who you are! : ) In a way I had liked the mystery, but I guess now that's gone, it's nice to see the face behind the words.
I almost forgot, in some strange way you look so familiar. Are you sure I didn't see you around when you were hanging with our friend?
What dog??? How cute are YOU??? ;)
OK, I went back and looked at Bruce. He's adorable. ;)
BRUCE!!! Where have you been all my life? Your daddy's such a goof, isn't he? But no more tricks on the Whitestone in the back of his Jeep, okay, kid?
And C-Mac, you look fine, too!
It took me a while to figure out you were the one on the right :-) Glad you finally decided to reveal your "true" indentitiy *laugh*
How cute are you boys! :)
hahaha, I've been out all day/night...you all are too nice. I am glad you all liked Bruce! :) Thanks for the kind words everyone!
just randomly arrived here and read a bit.
you have it perfected in the looks category...A man is more irresitable when he has a doggy by his side. but even more so if he' s got a baby in his arms...know anyone that has a baby they could loan you?
Hey C-Mac! been reading some of your comments on Muse's site. I, like you, am a big Boss fan, though I haven't yet named a pet after him (you'll hate this- we have a Boston Terrier named Fenway). Anyhoo, the reason for my post is wondering if you have caught the Devils & Dust tour yet. Coming to Atlanta in late July and wondering how this compares to the Ghost tour 9 years ago.
shit, sorry, i'm a little late to the "c-mac's a looker" party. i'd e-flirt, too, but my fiance might get mad.
p.s. bruce is totally cute!
Hahahaha, thanks Disgruntled, Bruce is the cutest!!!!
Steak, thanks for dropping by!!!!!
I commented on your blog about the Sprinsteen Tour.....
I still want to marry you C-Mac, I am just waiting for you to be ready to settle down!
You are as adorable as ever Charlie!
I love C-mac!
Such cute and happy photo! :)
Sorry late in commenting - was in Austin enjoying their lakes!
You're a hottie. Makes me wish I could take about 10 years off, unless you go for older women ;-).
Thanks AfromABQ! I don't discriminate! :)
From the looks of you in the picture, I'd definitely let you do me!
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