Back when I was 21, I had been dating the same girl since I was 18. I was starting to get a bit bored, but I cared about my girlfriend and was not ready to break up with her. While I was in school, I worked as a manager in retail. I would meet with vendors weekly to place orders and negotiate prices on products for the store. There was this one sales representative named Laurie. She was about 25 and was smokin' hot. She would walk in the store and EVERY guy would just stop and stare. I got friendly with Laurie and found out she liked hockey as much as I did. I am a huge NY Islanders fan, and Laurie, being from NJ, was a huge Devils fan. It just so happened the Islanders were going to play the Devils here on Long Island the following week. So, I asked Laurie to go with me. She did not know I had a girlfriend, and at the time, I did not know she had a boyfriend. All the guys I worked with were huge hockey fans and NEVER missed an Islander game on TV, nor did my girlfriend. So, that night I told all the guys at work I was going with Laurie, they were all jealous but told me to have fun. I told my girlfriend I was going to the game with my boss.
So, it's the night of the game and Laurie meets me at my store. I drive us to the Coliseum. We are having fun laughing and talking. She asks where the seats are. "I said, "Honestly, I don't know, I just asked the ticket dude for the best he had." So we have a few beers and head inside to take our seats. The usher meets us and escorts us down the stairs, we keep getting closer, and closer and closer to the ice. I was thinking, awesome, these seats are going to rock!! He finally seats us right behind the penalty box. It did not dawn on me right away, but all of a sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks.....I am going to be on TV EVERY time there is an Islander penalty!!!! Only problem was, these two seats were alone, nobody sitting on either side of us, and my girlfriend watches every Islander game! I am so fucked I thought to myself. Then I thought to myself, maybe there won't be any penalties, sometimes that happens in hockey. (yeah right)

Smile, You Are On TV C-Mac!!!!

Two minutes into the game, a brawl breaks out. After all, these two teams ARE rivals in the same division. So they start calling out the penalties over the PA system and I duck, pretending to tie my shoe, so I'd be out of camera view. Normally, the camera angle is straight ahead from the other side of the ice into the penalty box. I thought if I ducked, the player's body and head would shield me. I did this for every penalty and Laurie said, "Are you having shoe issues?" I was like "yeah, damn Nikes, it's Adidas from now on!!!!!" She laughed, but I was sweating bullets.
After the game we went out for some food and I dropped her at her car. It was an innocent date, but dishonest to my girlfriend to say the least. I raced home where I found 10 messages from my work buddies laughing their asses off. It was too late to call back, so I'd have to wait until morning to find out what the hell was so comical. I get to work the next day and everyone is laughing and my friend Matt is holding a VHS tape. They all said, "you have to come watch this!!!!" So we go into my office and pop the VHS tape into the VCR. It's the tape of last night's Islander game. I am ALL OVER IT! Funny part is, had I not ducked each time, I would have never been seen because the normal camera angle used in 99% of the games was not used that night. The camera used was from a side angle and every time I ducked down, I went right into camera view. I went into panic mode, because my girlfriend watches EVERY Islander game and I had not heard from her yet that day. On the tape you clearly see that I was sitting with this very hot girl and having a blast.
So, i called my girlfriend to see the damage I had caused. She answers all giddy and asks how the game was. I was like "pretty good, did you watch it???" She said, "No, I went shopping with my mom and missed it, I am glad they won though!" I breathed a big sigh of relief and vowed I'd never cheat/be dishonest again!!!!!
Have any of you ever been busted cheating or doing something bad? If not, how close have you come?
Nope. I'm too damned honest. Even when we had "senior skip day" when I was in high school, the week before graduation, I dutifully crafted an excuse note for my parents to sign that said I "was out of town for the day with old family friends." That was stretching it, but I was down at Great Adventure with some of my fellow senior friends, whom my family had known for years...!
I didn't "cheat," but I did do something that I shouldn't have and kept it from the other person...
So Charlie.... if she tried to kiss you or anything, would you have? :op
Never been busted cheating 'cause I've never really done that. But I was fooling around in HS with a true red head :-) When her parents came home. Apparently I wasn't allowed over because she ushered me down to the boiler room where I stayed for about an hour, before I snuck out the basement window, hopped on my bike and then rode all the way home.
Hey Freaky, was that the same Timmy from South Park???
You're such a bad boy. LOL. No, I've never cheated on anyone. I don't get the point of that.
I've never really done anything bad except for shoplifting once when I was a teen, but I got caught. So I learned my lesson and never did it again.
Question: Did you ever tell your girlfriend the truth?
Kate, I never told her...I learned my lesson and never did it again....
I sat on C-mac office chair with my pants off. I also rubbed his phone in my butt-crack (after going to the bathroom) and the keyboard...hmmm...lets not go there...well lets just say if the keyboard was a ship it would have a full crew of seamen.
You are sooooooooooo freakin' lucky to have gotten away with it!!
That story is frickin hystercal.
I can't think of anything right now that even comes close to that but I will comment later if I do. Gotta run out now for a little while!
I got busted skipping school once. You see, our morning announcments were taped on camera. My friend Becky and I decided to take off before first hour and head down to Lake Nokomis for some fun in the sun. So we got in her car and drove off...right between the camera and announcer. You see, the camera operator who was my friend Andy moved the camera across the street to the medium of the road so he could smoke as the medim is "off school property." Just while they were filming we whizzed by in Becky's Honda in time for the announcer to announce to the whole school, on film, "There goes "Becky Waldow and Jenni Schultz, skipping schoold again."
The best thing is, I didn't even get in trouble. The teachers were too busy laughing at how the incident went down.
I can't say that I have ever really cheated. I have dated more than one person at once, but never cheated. Doesn't really sound like you were cheating anyways, just lied---which can sometimes be worse.
But, for the love of hockey anything can be resolved.
When I was 23 I was dating one guy for about 6 months or so and we had a good thing going. But then I met this other guy who just started working at my company and I was instantly attracted to him. I met up with him for a few drinks after work and there was definitely an attraction. I never told the guy at work that I had a BF. Of course I also never told my BF about my after work drinks with the work guy. A couple of weeks later was my birthday and I got roses from BOTH guys. I hid the bouquet of roses from my BF from the guy at work. And when my BF came by, he wanted to see HIS roses so I had to put those out on display. It was too much. I eventually told my BF a week later that I wanted to break up so that I could date the other guy. Ugh...I dated the other guy for 8 months until it fizzled.
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