Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Celebrity Ass-Whoopings

I saw in the news that Russell Crowe got arrested for assault. If he kicked my ass out at a bar or club I could deal with it. It would be socially acceptable. The question to the "Bored at the Beach" readers today is, what THREE celebrities would you be most humiliated by if they kicked your ass???? Here are mine:

Barry Manilow- If I got my ass kicked by a dude who sings "Oh Mandy" and "I Can't Smile Without You" then I surely would have to hide for many years because of my humiliation.

Kenny G- If Kenny G opened up a can of whoop ass on me with his horn, that would surely be humiliating. Then he'd write an instrumental about the ass kicking and I'd have to live with the pain for years to come.

Gary Coleman- If this little dude kicked my ass it would be all over. I can hear him sayin' "What U Talkin' 'Bout C-Mac" before putting the beating of the century down on me. How do you ever recover from a smack-down from Arnold Jackson?


Matt said...

michael jackson & the olsen twins.

Bridget Unnel said...

Ohhhh -- you guys picked some good ones. I'll go with:

- Tammy Faye Baker

- Lindsay Lohan

- Doris Roberts, the mom from "Everyone Loves Raymond"

Darcey said...

Dammit, ES, you took mine! I was definitely going to say the Olsen Twins - together or apart, that would just be sad.
Also, the dancing "Old Guy" in the Six Flags commercials (which I don't know if they are a regional thing or not). And Topher Grace from "That 70s Show."

supplymadam said...

Now I've heard it all. Let me see..
I think I would have to say.
Paris Hilton-I should be able to snap her like a twig so if she kicked my ass I would have no excuse.
Definately Olive Oil because she's a cartoon and that wouldn't be cool.
I was going to say Aretha Franklin
but if she falls on me Im doomed.

Matt said...

i'd also like to add Barney the purple dinosaur to my list. That reminds me of a hash song

I love you,
You love me
Barney gave me HIV,
With a hug and a kiss and a little bit more,
I got aids from a dinosaur.

drink it down, down, down, down

Charlie Mc said...

hahahaha, you guys are too funny....these are great...Richard Simmons is a great one...I am dying over here!!!

Molly said...

Well, some of my initial thoughts were stolen, so I had to go with some backups. Three people I would never admit kicked my ass:

1. Paula Abdul
2. Monica Lewinsky
3. CArlton (from Fresh Prince)

Anonymous said...

These are so funny, I'm cracking up here at work and can't tell anyone why . . .

It would be bad if any of the ladies from the Golden Girls could wma . . .also, Jack from Will and Grace.

By the way - I'm still cracking up at your latest poll. Too funny!

Miss_Vicki said...

Nicole looks like she can be tough if she wants to :op

Liz Taylor, now THAT would be embarrassing! :)