On Saturday I did what I've been striving to do since winter. I ran a full 10 miles. My average runs are about 6.5 miles, occasionally I will push it to 8 miles. On Saturday I told myself that "today is the day" to push the envelope a bit. I must admit, the heat was tough. When I hit mile 9 I was struggling a bit, but I finished strong and was really happy I got back up to double digit mileage. I went back out today and did another 5 and I am feeling great! God, winter seems like a century ago already.
I got my doggie Bruce some "Frosty Paws" today. Frosty Paws is ice cream for dogs. It's actually not ice cream, it's like a frozen protein treat for dogs. It looks and smells like ice cream. I wonder what the hell it tastes like. Bruce did not complain. Here he is enjoying a cool treat on a hot afternoon.

Even Bruce Had To Cool Off....

Long Beach was so crowded today. Hundreds of people were getting off the trains from NYC to enjoy the day at the beach. I have not seen Long Beach this crowded in about five years. I think gas prices and the economy are keeping people local this year. Traffic is a bit of a pain, but I am glad people are coming here and enjoying everything this town has to offer.
I got quite a bit of color. Maybe a bit more than I should have, but the sun was addicting. I never wanted it to set today! This is what I wait all winter for, a day just like today. It's something i wish I could bottle up and save.
My birthday is slightly over a month away, which means another bash this year. I am starting to plan the party. It will be on July 9th, a Saturday, since my birthday is the Tuesday after. I don't make a big deal out of the birthday itself, I just like to have a party with the people I care about. The last three parties have been great and I hope this year's will be equally as fun.
Hope you all had an incredible weekend. I am off to hop in a vat of aloe! :)
AWWWWW!!!! He's so cute!
I wonder if Frosty Paws has the same effect on Bruce that it has on Kelso.... If so, you'd better don your gas mask!
Too adorable, CMac! Hmmm... July 9th is the party, huh? Sounds like a good weekend for a road trip! (Actually, I'll probably still be recovering from camping in northern VA the weekend before.)
10 miles... wow, I'm impressed. Glad you had a nice weekend. The weather was awesome.
Bruce is quite adorable. :)
Aw. Bruce is cute. You have to forgive him for shitting on the Whitestone.
OMG Bruce is so cute! I am such a dog lover, I wish I could pet him!
Lucky you for the nice weekend - my parents in Philly said the weather was great there too (probably too hot for them though, since they're in their 70s). It was oh, a balmy 65 here today, some sun, some clouds, some rain - bring on the fuckin summer weather here already!!!
I would love to be that close to the beach. That rocks.
It rained all Damn day today I'm so annoyed!!!
Bruce is Great! so what; you don't try his treat just to see? Check it out......
So your B-Day is the same day as my Dad's!!
You must be 3 times as marvelous than what I first thought.
Love Cancer people. They hold such a soft spot for me. Cause of me Daddy don'tcha know.
Oh the dog days of summer!
Bruce looks sooo cute eating
his Frosty Paws. Looks like he is enjoying the summer too. Angus likes whipped cream(just a little)but he's scared to death of the can. My other guy used to take it right from the can. Other than that he eats his Wellness and he likes vegetables(cooked) and any kind of meat.He sure burns off his calories.He's always in motion.
So a big fireworks celebration for your up and coming Birthday?
We took a drive out to Reading, PA on Saturday to visit the much-heard-about outlet shops. Man, what a letdown. We should have stayed at home and had some Frosty Paws of our own.
He is adorable like you! :)
Glad you had a great weekend....back to 10 miles, good boy!
My puppy loooooves Frosty Paws. First he eats the faux ice cream then he eats the little plastic cup it comes in.
Lola LOVES frosty paws! We love them too because they keep her occupied for like 15 minutes and anything that occupies a Jack Russell Terrier for 15 minutes is heaven!
Bruce is so adorable. I love dogs and cats too, they dont talk back to ya!
So nice to get to see Bruce, its been awhile since we have seen that handsome dog!!!!
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