Won't You Be...My Neighbor???(click on pic for a closeup)

Welcome little boys, to another exciting episode of Mr. Sugar V's Neighborhood! Today we have so many surprises for you, you like surprises right? Just don't tell anyone, it will be our "little secret", ok? Just like our trip to Neverland after our "special friend" Michael came out of his "time out."
First let's thank our sponsors, you see at the bottom of your screen, Thanks to Viagra for letting us play for hours. Next, let's thank Jimmy Dean Sausage for providing us with our lunchtime snack. Let's also not forget our good friends at KY and Vaseline for keeping things slip sliding with fun around my neighborhood. Last but not least, let's not leave them "behind" our good friends at ACME Anal Beads for providing us with all of our toys. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!
Joining us first today, is someone we all love, me especially, Mr. Elton John!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!! Elton and I have a "close" friendship as you can see. He is happy I covered his song a few years back, only I changed it up a bit. Let's sing boys...."Don't Let Your Son, Go Down On me......" VERY GOOD!!!! Thanks for dropping by Sir Elton!!!
Next is my little "buddy", Mini Me!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY! Mini and I like to wrestle, do you like wrestling boys????? I start off by putting my hand right here on Mini me....(is the camera rolling, oh) we'll show you the rest later boys!!!!
DING DONG DING DONG!!!!! Who could that be????? Oh gosh, it's my favorite movie theater buddy, PEE WEE HERMAN!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Seen any good movies lately???? I'll meet you at the theater later good buddy!(keep it low) Say bye to Pee Wee boys!!!!! "BYE PEE WEE!!!!!!!"
Last but not least it's my favorite friend, we'll call it "Pat." Pat is a bit confusing because it is both male and female. Do you know what that's called boys? That's called a she-male. Only this one is a toy that we blow up. Who wants to help Mr. Sugar blow it up????
Well that does it for another exciting episode of Mr. Sugar V's Neighborhood!!! Thanks for "coming" boys!!!!!!! As I always say, "Have a ball, boys!!!!!!!"
Thanks once again to DarianJ for his artistic abilities. Be sure to check out his site, "Land of Confusion".
"Would you be mine...Could you be mine........Won't you be my neighbor!!"
You know what's scary? I read that, switching voices between Mr. Rogers and Ernie (as in "Bert and...") And maybe a little Kermit thrown in there with the "Yaaaaaaaay!" parts.
u never seem to stop surprising me. i laughed so hard i cant stop!
I had to change my diaper after I read this!
What a great way to end my day!!!!
Thanks C-Mac
What a twisted mind you must have to come up with this. I like it! :)
This is too funny, like a good boxing match. I look forward to watching the next round! Kudos on your creativity Boys!
You guys are crazy, this just keeps getting funnier!
I grew up with Mr. Rogers!! I used to like the little bear puppet that almost got run over by the choo choo train.
As I always say, "Have a ball, boys!" OK, that made me laugh harder than the gerbil comment. You're now in the lead.
This just keeps getting better. I can't believe the stuff you guys come up with.It's just waaay too funny. Thanx for the entertainment and for sharing your devious thoughts! Married with Children move over and make way for the Sugar-Mac show!
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