A Thriller Indeed

This guy is an obvious molester. He already settled for millions back in 1993 for the other kid to keep quiet. Fine, that deal was cut, it's over with. So what does this fucker do, he puts himself right back in the same situation again. I assure you, this won't be the last molestation accusation nor will this sicko's behavior change. The man needs medication, therapy, and God knows what else. He is a sick man and should not be allowed around kids. Any parent who lets their kid go to Neverland now should be locked away in a padded room. I am pissed off, but not shocked. We all wave our flags claiming how great America is and how everyone is treated fairly, you can believe that all you want, I know it's bullshit. There is an obvious class system in this country where the haves are treated better and more fairly than the have nots. If MJ was a have not, the verdict would have been very different.
Our justice system SUCKS THE BIG ONE!!!!!!!!!
The prosecutors in California SUCK. Listening to the jury, I'm not surprised that they had to acquit him because they just didn't have enough to hang him. That's not their fault...it's the prosecution's fault.
It would be very difficult to be on a jury where you KNOW in your heart that the person is guilty, but when the case is not proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
The bad things here, I would think, were the mother (clearly) and all those "witnesses" who said they saw him in the shower with kids, etc. ... but never called the police or told anyone? I thought that was ridiculous.
I'm really bummed we won't get to see him without makeup. :(
I guess no riots in Compton tonight.....they will actually have to buy their own TV's this time
Beat it, Just Beat it.......Yeah
Was there really any doubt that Michael Jackson would be acquitted? Please... money and fame can get even the guiltiest people off scott free. This is no exception.
One has power and money..one can do anything...
alrite kiddies on my lap..mj got a new rap..im accused of ''rapping''
I'm not 100% positively convinced he molested anyone. I work in law; I go by the facts, not the sensationalism and media tornadoes. It's easy to forget these are very different things.
What I am convinced of is that he is one fucked up, wacky sonofabitch with too many issues for Oprah and Freud combined.
Okay, what is wrong with Jackson's hands in the picture you posted? They look like they belong to the Tales from the Crypt mummy. LOL.
Regardless of what he did, or the verdict given, he was convicted long ago in the court of public opinion. It might not be as serious as being convicted in a court of law, but at least it's something.
I Was Wondering about His Hands Too!!!!!
What The hell!!
Apparently money can buy justice. Sad, very sad. I believe he did something inappropriate to some of the kids before. If he didn't why would all these cases come up? But what happened exactly only he and the kids know.
One day he will have to face God and I guess justice will be served then.
Yes I agree money does buy love(in more ways than one)And yes I do agree he is one sick dude. This is not the first child molester to be let loose to do it again.
How come there's no riots when a sicko is let loose. That's because the world is full of sickos probably.
As Leno said last night "He would have never been acquitted if he was a black man!!"
I am still pissed off and mad. I watched this trial from day one. From Court TV to all the news channels with their panels. What was wrong with the stupid ass jurors? I am sick and tired of watching O.J., Blake and now Michael Jackson walk free. I could sound off on this forever, still outraged. I just started a new blog, if interested please check it out. http://wwww.suzieviews.blogspot.com
I have always lived on the beach and love Italians!! (smiling) actually Italy has been a big part of my life. I will be back.
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