Thursday, June 23, 2005

Driving Fun

Before I start my post, I must say, the Humor Blogging war between Sugar V, DarianJ, and I is in full swing! It's some funny stuff for sure! Good comeback Sugar V, but you have no idea what's coming your way next!!!!!

So yesterday it was a stormy, rainy, and LONG ride home from work. I was bored on the ride home, looking for something to occupy my mind. As I was slowly driving into Long Beach, there was this big truck in front of me that said "Ed's Home Improvements." It went on to list the office number and Ed's Cell phone number. A light bulb went off in my head. I wondered, what are the odds that Ed himself is driving the truck? I proceeded to *67 my cell and call Ed's cell. here is how the conversation went:

Ed: Hello
C-Mac: Hi Ed
Ed: Who is this?
C-Mac: It's me!
Ed: Me who?
C-Mac: Come on Ed, it's me...are you in Long Beach yet?
Ed: Yes I am, who is this?
C-Mac: Oh yeah, you are driving past Waldbaum's (supermarket)!
Ed: Who the fuck is this?
Kids cross the street....
C-Mac: ED! Watch out for those kids!!!!!
Ed: Who IS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Traffic light turns red
C-Mac: Oh shit Ed, another red light!
Ed gets out of his truck and is looking around at all the cars behind him, next to him, in front of him trying to guess who it is.....
Ed: I am going to find you
C-Mac: You were looking right at me asshole
Ed gets out of his truck again as the light turns green, everyone is beeping at him, he's tying up rush hour traffic
C-Mac: Ed you better get back in your truck before someone kicks your ass
Ed: If I find you, I will kick your ass!!!!
I see a guy 2 cars over from Ed in a Black BMW talking on a phone.
C-Mac: Besides Ed, my Black BMW is fast, you'll never catch me.
Ed sees the guy on the phone in the BMW and starts yelling at him. The BMW guy is baffled and is like what the fuck? Ed is on foot outside the BMW, I go driving by, I honk my horn, wave and speed away.
Ed (still on the open line): I'm going to kill you
C-Mac: Bye Ed, nice chatting with you!!!!!!
Ed: I am going to hunt you down!!!!!!!!!!!
C-Mac: You will never find me Ed


Darcey said...

You seriously did this? That is awesome. Pure genius.

It would've only been greater, if you had some chick in the car with you, pretending to be Ed's wife. No, wait, that's just mean.

The Diva ♥ said...

thats too funny. its like some movie. oh cmac you sure know how to make me laugh!

Fred said...

Hi Bored:

I came across your blog from one of muse's posts. Very funny stuff.

I'll be a regular reader and put up a link.

Miss_Vicki said...

Holy shit, that is pure genius!! I am in awe of you and your brilliance - even spite of the Yankee thing ;)

Jenni said... it!

Hu Flung Pu said...

Sounds like Ed has a serious case of the hemroids

Anne said...

Hilarious!!! I would never get the nerves to do something like that and to stay serious. Great job!!!

Vixen said...

I love mind games, but that is taking it to the next level. I bow down to the master ;-)


Anonymous said...

I love a smart-ass. :)

Anonymous said...

You are insane!!!

The Fuz said...

That is just pure comedy right there. Giving me ideas like this is just bad....

supplymadam said...

Hey Ed is my brother and that's his truck! Only kidding!
That is just pure genius. You must be alot of fun to hang out with! I love your imagination! I love every minute of it. Never a dull moment with the C-Mac around.

Kerri Keberly said...

cmac--fucking hilarious. i LOVE it when people get so pissed off they can barely think straight. ever listen to the longmont potion castle phone pranks? they're funny as hell. you should check them out.