It all started innocently, as it always seems to. I got up yesterday, did my run up on the boardwalk, went food shopping, called and invited some friends over for a bbq, and relaxed until they came over. I then proceeded to cook a great lunch and dinner on the bbq, we all enjoyed the food, listened to music, and laughed. So far, I was good, drinking only water and Crystal Light Iced Tea. I really don't like to drink alcohol when I eat. After dinner a Grey Goose burst upon the scene and kicked my ass.

Bad, Bad Goose!

It was a gradual ass kicking. I started drinking around 9. I drank at a nice pace and was feeling pretty good. By around 11:30pm, I had about 8 Grey Goose and cranberries and I was feeling good and comfortable, not sure why I felt the need for some Southern style Comfort. Once that bottle was busted open it was all downhill. By midnight I was staggering a bit, by 12:15 incoherent, and by 12:45 I had lost the heavyweight bout to the Goose and the Southern Comfort by virtue of knockout. This was the first time I've been drunk in 2005, so I will chalk it up to lack of recent activity in the drinking department.
The casualties:
My left arm got mildly burnt on the grill during this drinking binge. It's not too red today and does not hurt so bad.
My entire body. I feel like somebody beat me up and I was not able to go running today, this sucks.
My pride. Once the drinking champion, hands down, I am losing my skills and need to get back into training. Not to mention the drunk dial last night......I so did not want to do that!
A good weekend, but a lost Sunday. I hate wasting days. The weekends are too short as it is. I'll say it again, "I am never drinking again."
I hate it when that happens - that's why I only do it during football season now ;o) The weather sucks here in the winter anyway, and being an Eagles fan, well it's kind of necessary :)
One thing about a hangover - when Vic and I used to do that down the shore on the weekend, first thing we'd do after waking up feeling like shit is go eat a big greasy breakfast.
Yeah, I agree about the greasy breakfast! Or some really late night Jack-in-the-Box tacos with mystery meat (or as my daughters and i affectionately call it Crap-in-the-Bag).
Okay, tell us about the drunk dial!!
Yes, the morning after greasy breakfast rules. Have no clue why, but it does. Hash browns, a cheese omelette, and bacon ... mmm.
Now about that drunk-dial thing, please do explain.
I too have a hangover today. For me it was the switching from tequila to vodka. Not smart.
I was drinking all day yesterday I guess I am lucky because I did not wake up with a me though I have had a few good ones in the past and I am sure there is more to come.
I'm drinking right now!!! Here's to the Monday morning, leave me alone in my cube hangover.
Honey, you should have read my alcohol consumption warning earlier!! At least you got blotso on good stuff! Gray Goose and Southern Comfort. Probably wasn't smart to MIX the two, but...
C-Mac that really sucks.....I have always wondered why something that was so fun (at the time) could make you feel like CRAP!!!!! I myself have done the drunken dial, many a times....Thats almost worse than the hangover!!!!!!!!
Hope your feeling better.
Man...that's what ya get for cheatin' on the Goose...
There is NO Southern Comfort that will ever be better than the Goose...
I know, I live in the South, but will always be a Yankee at heart! ;-)
I won't elaborate on the drunk dial....bad mistake.....just plain stupid.....
I would have loved to be a fly on the wall. You must have been having a good time then(especially that it was a work night)
So is "drunk dial" a call to someone? HAH! Serves you right.
Whow as the lucky lady you called? You can drunk dial me anytime! ;)
I had a not-so-pleasant experience with Southern Comfort oh, 20 or so years ago - haven't touched it since. Gross..
I guess that's what happens when you get up there in age. You can't hold your liquor anymore. LOL. :)
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