Full of Shit????

Sylivia Browne makes yearly predictions on shows and in her books. I did some research on her predictions from the last 5 years or so. Here is what I found:
John Kerry will win the election. (predicted on 2/19/04)
US troops will be home from Iraq by June or July of 2004. (predicted Feb. 2004)
Saddam Hussein will be found dead in 2003. (predicted January 2003)
Bill Bradley will win the 2000 Presidential Election (January 2000)
This woman charges $750 for a few minutes with her to supposedly communicate with a lost loved one or to make predictions about your life. Shit, I can make up stuff for $50 a session. My office at work would be perfect. I have people in there all day hanging out talking about their lives and shit going on at home. If I charged $50 a person I'd be on fuckin' easy street. Toss them a fuckin Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, make up some bullshit, collect my cash, and be on my way....not a bad operation huh?
What is your view on Sylvia Browne and these so called psychics?
They are all full of shit. I went to Barnes and Noble one Valentine's Day to see a psychic with a friend of mine when my husband was working nights. So I go up for my reading. She sees my heart necklace and says, you are very much in love. OK fine. You are far away from the one you love; he is away on business. Um good guess being that its V-Day and I am at B&N, but no. Then she just kept guessing what the possible reason could be. I kept shooting her down until she told me to go away. They are all frauds.
I do believe that there are people in the world that truly have special abilities.
I've witnessed one such person, an old wise woman in a tiny Greek village who knew things and saw things she possibly couldn't know. She didn't do this for a living, she didn't take money, she didn't advertise her abilities.
But the people who go on television proclaiming they can see the future, talk to dead people and charge fees for their services are charlatans and they prey on people who seeks answers.
She and those damn pet psychics on Animal Planet are full of so much shit...I don't know how they live with themselves: Getting paid huge money to play off of people's weakest moments, their biggest fears, their most terrifying sadnesses. How do you sleep at night knowing that you've basically stolen someone's money?
Psychics are full of shit. However, my Dad did see one a few years ago, and this psychic predicted a lot of things which came true, and told my Dad he's going to die at age 78. He now firmly believes this.
I don't care for them myself...I think if you believe in them, you tend to make certain decisions that will change things...based on what they tell you.
If they didn't prey on people for money, I would find them harmless and entertaining. Hell even I tried my hand with the "psychic" BS once - as a gypsy fortune teller in our high school haunted theater. Its not like I actually believed it, folks.
I admit, I'm fascinated by all the paranormal stuff - love ghost stories, etc. For me to actually believe in this psychic stuff, they would have to prove it to me, no general bullshit.
I think there are psychics out there, and they are the kind of people who don't want others to know because how annoying would it be if people actually knew you were psychic?
It makes me sad that people who have lost loved ones, like a child, are so desperate in their grief that they would consider consulting a psychic. It makes me even more sad that there are people out there who take advantage of that grief for personal gain. Anyone who tries to tell a mother that they can put her in touch with her dead child has a special place in hell.
Montel LOVES her. She is on all the time. I agree that Edward is much better at the game. While I don't believe he is actually communicating, I enjoyed his show for the entertainment value.
These people go to classes to learn how to talk in circles. They actually train for this to narrow down to certain things they say. I saw a show about it once how they do it. DAMN PHONIES!
I do in fact believe in women's intuition because we can spot a phony from a mile away!
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