Out Of Control.....

I went into the "Discovery Channel Store" in the mall yesterday and purchased a $20 item and was forced to sign up for their shoppers card. A transaction that should have taken 2 minutes took 10 minutes because I had to fill out the membership form to receive yet another keychain scan card. I will probably never shop there again because that was the first time I was ever even in their store and I was not very impressed at their overpriced crap, yet, I am a proud member now.
Even the sandwich shops, car washes, and auto parts stores have caught this card fever. Blimpie and Subway have these cards that they punch every time you buy a sandwich. After like 200 sandwiches and an angioplasty, you get the 201st sandwich on them. BIG FUCKIN' DEAL!!! The car washes have a punch card every time you get a car wash. After the 50th wash, when there is no paint left on your vehicle from all the washes and brushes rubbing against your car, they are proud and happy to wash it the 51st time on them.
The supermarkets require these cards for you to get the sale items at the sale prices. What happened to the days of walking into a store and just getting something on sale without digging through your wallet for a card? I am carrying the equivalent of a deck of playing cards, minus the Jokers 'cause this shit is no longer funny.
Then there are the "price clubs" like Costco, BJ's and Sam's club. These fuckers won't even let you through the front door without flashing your card. Like you need top security clearance to buy a fuckin' 20lb tub of peanuts and a six gallon jug of cooking oil. Enough already! Next time they ask me to flash my card, I just may flash something else. There's my "member"ship card fucker!
How many of these cards are in your wallet or purse?
Too many to count. I agree it is getting to be ridiiiiiculous. How about doing a retina scan.
I keep it simple. Just Petco & My grocery store card. Thats it!!!! Wait and Super Cuts...got to get that free hair cut!!!!
Aint this the truth!...my key chain looks about the same as yours. Now when I no longer try to find the card I just hand them my jumbled up keys and make their ass find their card themselves. lol.
Thanks for stopping by...I am liking your blog.
i just have a petco card. but i do agree they keep asking and i keep saying no. but where im from they are pretty nice to ya when u say no. so it doesnt bother me that much.
14...I have 14 of these freakin' cards! Don't you love when your going to the checkout and it takes you longer to figure out which of these little fuckers on your key chain you need, than the time it takes you to get a $20 out and pay. Damn Discount Card Communists!
The only card I have is my Petco Pals card. I don't clip coupons and I don't have cards...I'd just loose them anyway. Speaking of, I lost my Petco card so I give them my phone #.
I hope it's not a trend that's coming to Canada!!
If you really want to flash your ***** the next time you'll be pissed at the stores' policies, could you just please tell me when and where...
LOL great topic! This brings up a rant: I was so pissed the other day because I stopped at this off-the-wall grocery store I never go to, but it was on the way home, and I needed some motherfuckin beer. I saw some soda on sale, and the beer was on sale, and I drag 2 12-packs of soda and 1 12-pack of beer up to the front - that shit's heavy!
They asked me if I had their special super duper discount card, and I said no, and also said no, I don't fucking want one.
The total seemed more than I thought, so I asked why that was. She said, "Well, the sale prices are only good for our special super duper card-carrying customers." I nearly slapped her.
You are right freaky, but I have 2 sets of car keys, one for the jeep and one for the Mitsubishi, so I need the cards in my wallet when I don't have the Mitsubishi keys (the set with the scan cards on it) with me......
I think I have 6 cards on my keys and 3 in my wallet. And I busted my Hallmark one during the winter when I was using it to get ice off my windshield (which was probably the first time it had come out of my wallet in more than a year).
What will probably get to people more is that the stores use these registrations more to collect demographic data on their customers. The discounts and rewards are bribes so they can collect data on your age, family size, area you live in, spending habits ("cart" size, trips per month, avg spending), etc. Trust me. I used to have to pour over this data when I was working at an ad agency. Once an ex found this out, he used to fill out fake info in the demo section just to screw up numbers for the person doing my job...
Okay, a longer comment than I'd planned, but whatever.
Okay, you flash, I'll hold the sign...but if you contribute a case I might help with the flashing part. Down with Card Communism!!!
I have 9! It's crazy!
You had me laughing with this. I am with the other two ladies, anytime you want to flash your "member" please call me. Not that it's that forgettable! :)
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