I've been to homes where I was picking someone up and only staying for like 15 minutes and had to take my shoes off, what the fuck is that all about?

What's The Point?

Any of you who have been to my home know I am very neat and clean. My home is nicely decorated and in order all the time. I would never, ever make someone take thier shoes off before entering my home, it's just stupid and rude in my opinion. Unless someone is working in the tar pits or in shin deep mud all day, how much dirt are they bringing in from their home, to their car, to my doorstep? It's completely absurd. If there is an absolutely soaking rain outside and they had to step across dirt to get to my door, perhaps I'd suggest a shoe removal, but not as an every day rule. People should feel at "home" when they come to a friend's home, not have to feel inconvenienced as soon as we enter. I am sure most of us have nice homes, but none of us have homes that are going to be on the next MTV cribs, nor is Robin Leach showing up anytime soon. Take a deep breath and let your guests feel at ease and comfortable upon entry.
I take my shoes off in my own home, my parents' home, and my close friends, so I generally know their house rules, and I'm pretty much one of the family.
I don't mind taking off my shoes - I'm a fan of barefoot as often as possible.
I agree with you. I am barefoot as much as possible, but if I am going to someone else's house and am FORCED to take off my shoes, I think its a little ridiculous and a little out of line. If my shoes were dirty I would take them off of my own accord because I wouldn't want to mess up their place - but I don't need someone to tell me to do it!
I never take off my shoes until someone tells me I should. What's funnier to me are people who come to my house and take their shoes off before I ask them to - my apt is definitely NOT that neat!
What if the feet are smelly and dirty? Some people would rather have someone with horrible crazy icky feet barefoot? The craziest thing!
My home is wonderful and clean. My kids don't walk on carpet in their shoes. It's just he way it is, but I'd never expect that from someone coming to my home as a guest! Never! Keep the shoes on! LOL!
Ditto! I agree 100%!! I hate that stupid "house rule" too!
Sometimes when I'm really frisky, I like to take my shoes and socks off and scrape the toe jame from between my toes and put it on my lovers belly :)
I can;'t stand that rule.
My feet were usually fresh form work. Yuck! you would rather my sweaty sock foot sticnk all over your carpet! What are you Nuts!!!
i don't think so!
When people come over and take their shoes off its jsut as annoying. I don't need 10 pais of shoes at my fornt door thank-you very much. Besides the part where when you are leaving just get out!
The awkward 'putting your shoes on' conversation is just a waste. And what if they need to sit? And there is no where to sit! Crap that just brings a whole new thing into play!!!
So I guess I agree
And you always find you have holes in your socks ...
When someone asks me to take my shoes off.. I just tell them that it's fine, I'll stand on the porch. After about half an hour, they tend to let me in with them on anyway.
I really feel uncomfortable without my shoes in a strange house. No matter how clean it is, I can only think of all the other nasty feet that must have rubbed themselves on the floors prior to me.
It would be like someone having a drink of water and asking you if you'd like one, and when you say yes, they fill up the same glass and hand it to you.
The only time I have ever felt obligated was when I have gone to someone Asian's house. It's another cultural thing...
One night I was walking my mom's dog and a family was having a party at their house...there were about 30 pairs of shoes piled outside the front door. It was actually kinda funny...
I don't ask peole to take off their shoes either but if they do I am not complaining. Once I came out of a store a looked down and realinzed I had walked through some pigeon poop because they were all perched along the roof of the store and I said to myself "No wonder people ask you to remove their shoes" In some countries it is customary and considered respectful,especially if their children are crawling aroun the florr.
Hahaha... too true. I grew up in a house where we were never allowed to wear our shoes so I take mine off every time I go to someone's house. Granted, most of my friends are Greek so that's just what we are all used to. But I'd never do that at a regular (LOL) person's house or ask them to take off their shoes in mine.
hahaha, I hate taking off my shoes. It's a peeve of mine too.
Good post! I never make anyone take off their shoes when they come to my place. Now if they WANT to talk off their shoes to be more comfortable (if they're hanging out a while), I have no problem with that either. I leave it up to my guest - shoes can stay on or off.
all this nonsense of a material possession such as dirty carpet.....there are more important things in life quite frankly. My house....wear anything you want, kids too.......... mi casa su casa......however in someone else's home....out of respect and etiquette should abide by the rules of the home you are in..........no different than smoking......but i agree it is pointless that some people get so anal about it. My friend has four boys and white carpet....she has nerves of steel.
Ugh - our neighbors across the hall do this. There are four people lioving there, and never less than 10 pairs of shoes outside their door. I kid you not. PEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-UUUUUUU!!
Call me anal or a handful of other adjectives, but I ask that people take their shoes off and I do the same when I go to others' houses.
Not even how I was raised. Not sure when it began, but it is how I am now.
Personally, I dont expect anyone to take off their shoes when they come to my house, but I also think it is rude to go to someone's house and just assume you can keep your shoes on. I prefer barefoot, but really I dont have any preference in for my guests. We always take our shoes off at our house. I insist that the kids do, cause they are just messy and inconsiderate of the dirt they are tracking in.
Sometimes it's just the culture. When we lived in Hawaii, it was considered rude to not take off your shoes. I prefer to take off and have others take off, but only if they ask.
It's def. a culture thing. I have plenty of friends from different cultures that do that.
My roomate walks in my apartment with his shoes on, but he takes them off in front of his bedroom door and leaves them there because he doesn't want to bring in any dirt into his room and mainly because of our cat. He doesn't want to bring in any cat hair.
Heck my bed if full of my cat's hair because she used to lay on it all the time. Shit that reminds me, I have to do laundry and wash my comforter.
I respect other peoples decisions on that. Heck I'm just hoping my feet don't stink. It's really comfortable to walk around bare foot though, wish I could do it more at home with out the sole of my feet turning black. I actually contimplated on doing that at my house, but there is no use, I have a cat. They'll walk out and have cat hair stuck to their socks.
I agree. I don't like taking my shoes off unless it's an extended stay. Hold your ground, man! By the way, I am really enjoy your blog...keep on inputting!
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