I am taking a few days off from work next week. I plan on getting some much needed rest and relaxation! I will most likely be away from the blogging, but will return Wednesday, at the latest! I may check in before then. Feel free to leave any comments, suggestions, or any other remarks you would like and I'll catch up with you all in a few days!

"Catch" You All later!!!

Have a great weekend!!!!
I am going to leave you with a question that INDEPENDENTGRL asked me to post on here. We both welcome your input and comments:
Since we have all connected with members of the opposite sex at some point in our lives, what thing(s) will you NEVER do again thanks to a husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/friend with benefits/casual date who didn't do it right or well?
I will have a hard time going back to someone after we've broken up. I have tried it in the past and it never works. As much as you try to hold things back and forget about the past indescretions, you can't help it and it ruins chances for the future...
Have a great time off and hope you have some fun amidst the relaxation!
You'll be missed while you are away...
Hey Charlie Tuna(cute sign)
I would have to say be a little more demanding. I tend to be a little passive at times.
Hey Charlie, enjoy your time off and vacation break! I'll miss seeing you around. I expect some great stories upon your return. :)
I never hold one guys's faults and lack of talents against another guy. I don't want another girl's behavior held against me.
I am up for anything sexually. EXCEPT FOR videotaping/taking pics of sex or anal.
Have a great weekend! I am going to my beach house for the week for some R & R too!
my answer to the question is:
When someone lies or deceives me and I catch them, I will NEVER give someone a second chance again.
You lie, you're out!
I don't do Beaters or Cheaters!!!!!
And I live by this simple rule:
Everyone derserves a second chance, but not a third.
(except for the above 2) Those get ya out of my life like a flash.
Have a great vacation! We'll miss you! :)
I can't think long enough to answer your question because I am jammin' to Will Smith.
I will never, never, never, never again, make the love, on a beach without some type of blanket underneath.
If I would do it over again, I would never meet the in-laws before I said "I do." They're strange and weird. Avoid them at all costs.
Have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend! I'll miss you and your posts!!
oh, and ditto hu flung pu!
I'll miss you, 'tard. Thanks for being part of the cheer-up Muse party today.
This one is hard, since I'm still trying to figure out if/what I did wrong with this last situation. But based on the previous, I will not attempt to carry on a relationship on my own and try to make it work, just because I should. Oh, and I won't accept someone who won't even try something new, especially since what he wasn't doing wasn't exactly satisfying, sexually speaking. And lying never works, either.
Never make comparisons to the previous partners, especially if they are now famous (BSB).
Hope you get in.. some fishing too! Have fun on your mini-holiday!
Never fake orgasms. It makes the guy think he is good when he's not, and then he keeps doing the stuff that isn't getting you off. That's what I'll never do again ;)
WHAT??? Taking off? What the heck is that bullshit? Kidding. Wish I could join you. Enjoy the peace.
One thing I will not ever do again, is to fall in love with someone I can't be with. It's one of the most tremendous pains you can ever endure.
Date a married man. Can't do what someone's done to me.
Charlie - Did something tonite especially for you. I ate salad dressing that expired 28 days ago!
:) Princess
NO more hugs!
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