John Fogerty was the opening act, and I must say, he alone was worth the price of admission. It's amazing that after 40 years of rock n' roll, this guy still sounds the same as he did back in the 1960's. This guy played at fuckin' Woodstock in 1969 and he is still going strong. He belted out all his Credence Clearwater Revival hits as well as his solo hits. This man rocked! His hits "Have You Ever Seen the Rain" and "Who'll Stop the Rain" were quite fitting this evening. There is no mistaking his voice or his guitar, he is a true legend.

A View From The Top

Then John Mellencamp came on about 9:30 looking very dressy in his suit compared to his ripped jeans and wife beater t-shirt days. Prior to this evening, I had seen Mr. Mellencamp on four other occasions and thought he kicked ass. Tonight, I took notice of how much he aged since I last saw him in 2001. He was very mellow, not very mobile, but his voice still sounded great. He played all his hits and called back out John Fogerty and they jammed on a CCR tune and Mellencamp's "Rain on the Scarecrow". He wrapped up the show at 10:50 and did NO encore, to the amazement of the crowd. John Fogerty's kick ass performance definitely salvaged the night!!!
I've noticed the aging of my favorite artists over the last year or two. Mellencamp has slowed down, Tom Petty isn't the same, Billy Joel is in rehab and does not tour, Elton John is losing it, the only one who still looks and sounds amazing and gives you a four hour out of control live performance is Bruce Springsteen. The man still dances on pianos, scales amplifiers, jumps into the crowd, slides across the stage, and plays with so much passion. I suppose he's called the "Boss" for a reason.
sucks about the rain.
But a true fan will always find a way to enjoy themselves!
Springsteen is my hero. If you don't have his Tracks box set - get it!
I can't believe some of those guys are still performing. Sounds like a great concert.
FRED! I actually own every cd. cd set, and dvd Springsteen ever put out, plus so many bootlegs, Tracks is amazing!!!!
Kristi, you are right, when you are a fan, you have to be a trooper!!!
Maybe Mellencamp was just having a bad night. A few bands I've seen more than once you can tell when they are just having a bad show/day or whatever. It happens to everyone.
At least his voice sounded great! :) I'm going to see Tom Petty this week and I hope he has a good show (fingers crossed)!
Hey Charlie,
This sounds to me like a fun show to see. I had some customers jus the other day tell me they saw John Fogerty in Boca Raton in Concert. Said that he ROCKED!
My favorite is Tom Petty I would want to see him in concert LIVE.
Hurricane is comming C-ya CMAC
I would have loved to see John Fogerty and John Mellencamp perform. Glad you had a good time despite the rain! :)
Sounds like a great concert!!!
Tina Turner is my absolute favorite long-time performer. She's getting older, but she is still amazing. The laws of nature dictate that she has to slow down a bit...But with those legs and that voice, she's still going strong. God bless all of those guys and gals who are still getting out there and doing their thing: I hope, when I'm Tina's age, to have even a fraction of her energy and drive to still get out there.
Glad you had a good time at the concert!
I would have enjoyed that concert too!
sounds like you had a great time.
Yes, Springsteen has his best band ever. Grand Funk is still at it. I saw them in February. They are also writing new material. Rick Springfield did a 2 hr. 45 minute concert and had David Lee Roth's bass player (forgot his name) but surprisingly kicked ass. Doobie Brothers are still at it. Sounds like an awesome show. The rain sucks.
I still can't wait for Mellencamp...this coming Saturday for me! I last saw him in 2003 and I was so friggin far from the stage (and well, so drunk) that I couldn't tell you how he had aged. But I had a mighty fine time.
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