Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Shower Familiarity

I think the best place to take a shower is in your own house. Not only for the comfort and familiarity, but for the hot and cold water knob calibration knowledge. At your own house, you know exactly how far, even if it's one millimeter, you need to adjust that knob if you want your water hotter or cooler. When you are at a friend's house or at a hotel you are all confused when it comes to the water temperature calibration. In some places you move the knob less than a millimeter and it raises the water temperature like 100 degrees. In some places you move that knob like halfway around and the water does not change temperature. It sucks when you have to get familiar with this process while you are already under the water. You find yourself jumping all over the shower when you are adjusting the temperature at an unfamiliar place because you want to avoid the stream of water in case that slight of hand turns the water boiling or freezing. Also, at home, you are used to a certain water pressure. You go to some places and it trickles, at other places, you get to power wash yourelf.

By the way folks, I am dropping on the charts like a Milli Vanilli tune, I need some Top Blog Votes!!!!!!! :)


Steph said...

Have you noticed that more times than not, hot is cold and cold is labeled as hot? I hate it!

cantellya said...

Handsome profile pic....

The Fuz said...

This weekend I was at a beach house in RI - while in the shower I turned to get my shampoo and, it being an unfamiliar terrain, slammed my elbow into the hot water knob. OUCH! I had to put ice on it and have my boyfriend physically move my arm up and down because I couldn't do it myself. Water temp isn't the only problem in "other" showers.

Heather said...

Rach - Damn, Girl, I wish you would stop rubbing it in everyone's faces that your man is the shit. :P

Charlie - I have to have the temp set before I get in there. Start the water running and wander around nudie for a few minutes before getting in. It's refreshing, I promise!

Hu Flung Pu said...

I only take cold showers, so the temperature never bothers me

Anonymous said...

Too funny, since I was at the Golden Nugget two weekends ago and my friends and I drank one of those tall margies you can buy on Freemont St. Well in our infinate wisdom we asked for double shots. Long story short, I went to take a shower and it took me 1/2 hour because I was literally to drunk to figure out that you had to pull the handle out to get pressure and I stood under this little stream trying to rinse my hair for 20 of those minutes. Very sad when a women my age can't figure it out due to inebriation. Anyway, yes, my shower is best :).

supplymadam said...

I looove my shower masssager. I hate having to maneuver to rinse off. "There's no place like home"

Miss_Vicki said...

I've been doing a lot of house/dog sitting over the last year at various attorneys' houses, and yes that is one thing that I usually have trouble with, as I'm staying in their house for a number of days or weeks and, well, have to shower once in a while :op

Debi said...

I voted for ya today hon! It's like a morning ritual. I get up have my coffee vote for fave blogs, then go to starbucks get more coffee go to work, vote from work! Charlie if you are in a hotel and you go #2, not only are you freaking out cause you just had to go #2 in a strange potty, but NOW you have to shower in a strange shower? LOL

kcterrilynn said...

I have to turn it on and let it run for a few minutes, just to be sure that it's nice and toasty. Used to drive my ex b/f crazy!

Anonymous said...

Yeah totally know what steph is talking about i had the pleasure of helping my cousin move this past weekend :( (moving suck) and i was the first person to use the shower water pressure was great everything about the shower was fine except that is was freeeeeeezing could not make it hot for the life of me turns out that the knobs were switched (nice huh) and you had to crank it 50x just to turn on the hot water there nothing like your own home to take a shower......long hot ones where you feel like your in a sauna

Fred said...

How about the cheap hotels where no knob movement is needed to suddenly go from hot to cold, then to warm and suddenly to "flesh blistering" hot. Not a pretty sight.

Steph said...

Is there some scoop here, Charlie? Whose shower are you talking about? ;)