Don't you hate when you run out to the store for some milk and you end up running into someone you absolutely don't want to run into? Or how about going to a sporting event, a party, or any other social event and running into someone you absolutely never wanted to see again?
Come on, we all have a list of people that we absolutely never ever want to run into again. Maybe someone that wronged you or someone you wronged. Maybe a person you had a bad breakup with, or maybe a co-worker you hated from a previous job. It's almost inevitable that we will run into someone we don't want to see at some point. Here is a short list of 3 people I hope to NEVER run into again:
My ex, Joyce- We lived together and dated for a few years, we did not have a bad breakup, I just fell out of love with her and we both moved on. We still live in the same town and I saw her on the boardwalk about two months ago when I was running. I had sunglasses on and I pretended not to see her. I really would have nothing to say to her and it would be very awkward running into her in a setting where I may be forced to talk to her.

Oh Shit!!!! Is that her????

My former roomie, Alex- Alex and I were very close. We shared a house for about a year and a half and we had six months left on the lease when he decided to bail on me and the $2000.00 a month rent. I basically had no choice but to move on two weeks notice and he actually had the balls to want his security deposit back. That situation created a huge rift in the friendship and we have not spoken in over two years. It would most definitely be awkward to run into him again.
The owner of my last place of employment, Kim- When I left the job after 5+ quality years of service, I wrote her a long letter explaining to her all the shenanigans that went on there and how she was oblivious to all the laziness and all the people that sat around and did absolutely nothing all day. She did not take it too well and was very upset that I wrote the letter, she was one who took things very personal rather than taking emotion out of it and looking at the facts. I would feel really awkward, even though I was right and had good intentions with the letter, if I ran into her.
Let's hear about people you never want to run into again and why!
As a teacher, you hate running into students on a weekend. "Gee, Mr. Fred, I didn't know you had a tattoo on your shoulder." Argggg.
Yay, you're back!!! I missed you, 'tard!!
My list of people I don't want to run into:
My high school/college crush's wife: While I truly enjoy talking to my crush (we definitely had some ups and downs), his wife is the reason we didn't have a chance to date in high school or college - she is terribly insecure around me. And she's forced him to stop talking to his friends. And I once saw her eat paper.
My former college roommates: One I lived with for 3 years, another just a year. They made me feel like I was always the bad guy, and I resented them for that (and the fact they made me feel uncomfortable sitting on my own furniture/watching my TV in our living room). We split on not-so-great terms.
My college ex: While we were dating, I quit both smoking and drinking for him (though he made no concessions for me). After some rather major fights, when I decided to end it with him, I went to happy hour with my girls, had a few shots (and yes, smoked a few), then had my girls drop me off at his place. I broke it off, then called the girls (who lived in the same complex) and decided we were going back out.
Yeah, the last one wasn't the best breakup in my book, but there really wasn't any love lost.
There is only one person that I dread running into...OF COURSE it's an ex--aren't they all exs?
My first love...thought we were going to get married...had the time of our lives together...but he's psycho and I have trouble leaving him behind. I have had some close calls because my best friend still cuts his hair, but thankfully, I've been drama-free (kinda) for almost 3 years!
*zzzzzzzz* (sorry, that bored me too)
Charlie, Darling, thank goodness you're back. We were lost without you... ;)
I don't want to run into a former co-worker who would harrass me all the time. He was a jackass. I'd definitely run the other way.
I lived in Asmara Ethopia for 3 years (6-8th grade) and about 8 years ago (almost 25 years later), my entire class connected (via email) by one of my best friends there. One guy started emailing me consistently and I responded, for a while, and then it got creepy. He told me crap about his parents, his ex and his kid who apparently they had to put in a juvie home, which creeped me out and I just quit writing back after that. He kept emailing me and telling me he was coming thru ABQ and could we meet. I never responded and I still get emails from him - even last month he asked again if I was ok? Don't ever want to run into him. Still scares me.
I think the only people I make an effort to avoid are certain members of my dad's family. I don't really care enough one way or the other about anyone else from my past.
I dated someone for 13 years and eventually broke it off in the most cowardly way possible. Until the day I die, the way I treated him at the end will remain one of life's biggest regrets. Hopefully, the way he treated me while we were dating (Jude Law has nothing on him) will remain one of his. In the interim, it would suit me just fine to not cross paths.
My ex who I dated for 5 years - although I did run into him at a wedding of a common friend. We both ignored each other, and then he told everyone I was a bitch for ignoring him and not even saying hello. He didn't say hello either! Whatever! I could go the rest of my life w/o ever seeing him again.
My ex, I feel really badly about the way I treated him and the way we split up - I hope he's happy and healthy, I'd just feel really awkward if I ran into him.
I usually hide, pretend I don't see them or something - luckily, don't think I'll see too many ex's out here in Portland :op
I live across the street from my high school, and according to the statistics from last year's reunion, about 70% of my class of 400+ people have remained in the immediate area. So there are about 375 people I would like to not run into. Like the guy I had a big unrequited crush on in 11th grade, and then later ran into my freshman year of college and we had the most awkward hook up ever? I could totally go without seeing him. Only I did, when I was out for drinks the other night. At which point we had a "conversation" that rivaled the awkwardness of the hookup. It was horrible and I totally regretted making accidental eye contact.
I'd also like to avoid my ex-boyfriend who converted to Mormonism, my ex-college roommate who turned really weird, and probably a whole list of people I can't think of, plus this comment is long enough.
I like your blog!
Welcome back c-mac! I would hate to run into the sug-v anywhere...just kidding. I hate to run into people whose names I just don't remember.
I would hate to run into the guy from High School that told all his friends we slept together when we didn't. Unfortunately I found out from one of my friends that he was telling people this. If I ran into him today I would want to confront it because I never did have closure on it. Some men! He probably forgot about it. Of course.
My Former spouse #3 and the father of my 12 year old son. I refer to him as "The Donor" He has not seen my son for 11 years. I have no use for him and hope to never see him ever again.
charlottes birth father or his family. that sucks. one of his sisters walked by my store lat week as a matter of fact!!!
Another ex that used to physically hurt me would be another too!!
My Previous employer. He was a complete jerk-off. I have seen him trying to drum up sales near where I work. I would die of laughter if he walked in here.
My Ex B/F that went to Prison. That would be just weird...
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