Does this even need a caption?

Bruce looooooves his peanut butter. It got down to the jar scrapings last night, so I said, what the hell, let him go buck wild. Made for a great pic!
When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful, a miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical. All the birds in the trees, well they'd be singing so happily, joyfully, playfully watching me. But then they sent me away to teach me how to be sensible, logical, responsible, practical. And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable, clinical, intellectual, cynical. There are times when all the world's asleep, the questions run too deep for such a simple man.
Awww...Beagle?? I have a beagle too. She's epileptic. I hide her anti-seizure medicine in peanut butter and she gulps it right down!
Hey, Has anyone ever told you that your dog looks like you? That would make a good blog.
Cute dog, does it fetch the newspaper in the morning? My dog perfers JIF. Hey did not get how old you are now?
Sunflower, no comments that my dog looks like me! :) He does not fetch anything he can't eat! :)
I am still young......earlier 30's! :)
Charlie is the number on the back of the Rolling Rock bottle... Sorry, Pal, didn't mean to give you away--if I was right...
Your dog has a thing for the Skippy like mine does for empty ice cream boxes. At least Brucie has a longer nose and he's easier to clean off than the pug!
Love the Pic!! He is such a cute doggie! My friend has a greyhound who will finish anything alcoholic, little lush...what do they say, like mother, like daughter! LOL
Bruce has gret taste in peanut butter. Great picture.
you are right Heather! Very good! :)
i can see why u love bruce so much!
he's so adorable!
starbuck sticks his whole head in the jar of Skippy.
Heather, pugs are adorable, my sister has 2....
Blue, see why Brucey rocks!!! :)
Diane, bruce is wild enough, not sure what alcohol would do to him! :)
Thanks Jill! :)
It's funny, most people who have pugs have more than one...
Milton's vice is the ice cream box and champagne...he likes to roll with the big boys...I'm getting him some bling this weekend...
How freaking adorable!
Where exactly did you put the peanut butter.
I think Brucey would be an Alize or Hypnotiq kind of dog.....kickin' it thug style!
Get that dog some bling, Charlie!!! I'll carry it home in my purse! HA!
Heather and her handy dandy carrying apparatus! :)
Awwww!! Brucey is adorable!
What a character that Brucie is.
My other dog used to eat whip cream right from the can,just spray it in. My new guy rns like the wind from the whipped cream can. He's got issues!
What a great dog!......Hey wordwhiz...my sister's dog has seizures too (100lb yellow lab) that what he eats....peanut butter (soy) to take his pills.....(soy because it has no salt and dogs with seizures shouldn't have salt in their diet)
Great blog cmac!
Oh, Bruce is just TOO cute. Kelso LURRRRRRVES peanut butter. He has been known to chase my son around the house trying to nab a PB&J.
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