The Lure of the 99 Cent Store......

The cleaning products you buy there are watered down and cheap, the aluminum foil is so thin you can see through it, the baking pans rust after one washing, and the tupperware melts in the microwave, yet people go nuts in this store!
I happened to stop in one of these stores on Monday in my travels around town. I spent a few dollars and decided to use my Visa check card to pay. The girl behind the counter asks for ID, "for my protection". I said, "Are you serious?" She said "yes". I told her if someone was going to steal a credit card they most likely weren't going to run up a tab at the 99 cent store, they'd probably be buying a plasma TV at Best Buy with my card.
Have you noticed the nonsense items they sell at these 99 cent stores? I saw a HUGE bin full of fly swatters! Who the fuck is sitting around swatting that many flies? If you are, perhaps it's time to shower! They have these ceramic nick-nacks that look like a kid made them in shop class, flip flops that will break before you step off the front sidewalk, and all kinds of other crap.
Do you like these 99 cent stores? What's the wackiest thing you ever bought there?
We usually go in there for cheap candy runs or really cheap holiday decorations. Other than that, I think I bought a really hideous toilet seat cover as a gag gift for a Dirty Santa party!
runaway shopping cart! stop that shopping cart!
I bought a bobblehead doll of C-mac at a 99 cents store.
They have great speedo's at those stores, the really tight kind
I always went there to amuse my kids when they were much younger. I gave each of them $5 and then let them loose. They loved it!
The only odd thing I've bought would be one of those all-in-one tools advertised on every cable channel for $19.99. A year later, it was in the dollar store.
It sucked.
ewww .99 stores freak me out!!
They have cheap decorative soaps so it people use them big deal. They were 3 for .99.
hey freaky, do you EVER have anything nice to say on any of our blogs?????????????
and for the record...I've been to a 99 cent store about 6 times in my life for those keeping score at home....
LOL! Yes, I've been there a few times definitely. There is a lure to the concept of buying something for only 99 cents. I think the last thing I bought there was an oven mitt. I won't do that again - it turned out to be REALLY thin!
LOL. I have been there before. I had to get plates, cups and those plastic eating utensils for a party I was having. I was broke so THANK GOODNESS the 99cent store was there!!
Hey, stop voting for me to wear a speedo!!
Wow you have the 99 cent store...in PA and in TN we have the "Dollar Store" or "Dollar General". The $1.00 Stores are a bit nicer and cleaner than Dollar General though, sad I know this but I've been in both. And I admit I need a huge bag of useless shit sometimes!
And I don't know Hu, but I'm voting for him to wear that speedo! Every man should wear a speedo once in his life...NOT! hahaha :)
Since everything seem to be so thin and see-through there, I might stop by a 99cents store to buy the ribbon I'll be wearing this weekend for CMac's b-day party!!
To tell you the truth, I'm one of those people who go in there. Not all the time, but only when I need little things I don't feel like spending so much money on that I know won't last. I always get my tea lights there (candles) and when I need a birthday gift bag, heck I go there. The person throws that shit out anyway. Then of course when I have parties, I go buy those aluminum trays and chafing dishes, plates and plastic spoons and knives there. When I was working, there was this great 99 cents store near by, there were so many candles there and I'm a candle person. So for little things I would go in there. Sometimes you can find a good deal.
Oh yeah I bought someone a Birthday mug that played the birthday tune everytime you picked it up.
Its great for the kids. All I ever bought was a really old candy bar!!!!!!
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