Friday, July 22, 2005

Male Bashing?

We live in a great country where anyone can say what they want and express themselves freely. Recently, I’ve come across so many blog posts that bash men. I’m sure many of these men were probably douche bags and deserve the criticism. On a daily basis I read many blogs written by ladies and I respect all of you for your opinions and experiences. I find your insight on life very thought provoking and informative. But, for a minute here, I have to ask that you see the other side of things. What I find disturbing are the "general" statements made about men, rather than statements made about an individual who may have done something wrong or inappropriate. People should be judged/criticized on an individual basis based on how a person behaves and treats others.

Have any of you ladies ever taken a step back and thought that maybe some of these guys are the way they are because they’ve gone through the torture and torment of a crazy ass bitch? Sure, many men are scumbags. They were born that way and they will die that way. They were raised to treat women like shit and they always will. I must say though, that there are many good guys out there. Good guys that deal with and go through the same stuff you describe, the only difference is that it’s dealt to us by women of the same caliber as these scumbag men you speak of.

We come across women with more baggage than American Airlines and more issues than the Sunday Times. We deal with women who claim they are single, but are attached and are players. We deal with women who say they are emotionally over their last man, only to find out months down the line that they never got over them. We deal with women who are liars, cheats, mentally unstable, stalkers, emotionally abusive, and a host of other poor qualities. The difference is that society thinks because we have a dick in our pants that we don’t have a heart.

Just like you, we hurt when we come across these people. We get jaded and a bit fucked up when we come across one of these women just as you do when you come across a scumbag. We hurt, we feel pain, we get sad, and it affects us. It takes us time to get over this just as it does for you. At times maybe we don’t vocalize the pain or the hurt like many women do, but trust me, it’s there and we feel it.

This post isn’t an attempt to defend men who don’t deserve to be defended. I hope, just as you all do, that they get what they deserve someday. I just hope that you ladies realize that we go through the same issues daily that you do, the only difference with us is that society frowns on us for showing emotion. Yes, women and men have many differences but we also share so much common ground. It’s getting together on that common ground to rid ourselves and steer clear of these assholes (both men and women) together so we can all be happy and bullshit free. If you are a guy and your male friend treats women like shit, don’t encourage it, call him out on it and tell him to grow the fuck up. Same with the ladies, if one of your girls is fucked up and doing bad shit behind her guy’s back, don’t just laugh it off or encourage it, take a fuckin’ stand. Too many people don’t have the nerve or the courage to tell their friends they are acting in a fucked up way. We let it go and don’t challenge them to act better and the cycle never gets broken.

In closing, I think each person should be treated on a case by case basis. Making broad or sweeping statements about a gender, a race, a religion, or whatever is narrow minded and wrong. All men are not bad just as all women are not bad. We share so much in common, yet we always seem to focus on the differences. Yes, we have and will continue to come across assholes. It’s about learning the warning signs of these people and steering clear of them.


Heather said...

Sadly, this is not a gender issue. Storm is right, there are a lot of bitches out there and a lot of dicks. A lot of bitches ruin perfectly nice guys for normal girls...

I was forced to leave a relationship because he was convinced I was cheating--but only because his last girlfriend cheated on him. Even after 2 years of never leaving his side, he was still convinced that I would turn out just like her.

Charlie, I'm sorry that there has been so much bashing. I have to agree that everyone should be taken on a case by case basis--I wish someone would have done me that favor...

Matt said...

very well put. some people deserve to be treated like shit, while others (like myself don't)

Anonymous said...

Is this in response to all the different comments I got on my last post? I do agree with you Charlie. Not all men are jerks and there are plenty of women that are just as bad. And when I make comments about men, I'm mostly joking and do not mean them for every man on the planet. I know there are lots of great guys out there (you sound like one of them) and I can only hope that some day I'm lucky enough to meet one.

Anonymous said...

I really don't bash men. I don't want to sound jaded or cynical because I don't think I am. I think I'm just frustrated sometimes by the guys that I do know who are jerks because I know that there are so many awsome guys out there. Seriously, where are they hiding and why don't they come this way more often. LOL.

And you're completely right Charlie, when you say that there are tons of messed up women out there. They give the rest of us a bad name.

Vixen said...

Great Statement Charlie! You are totally correct that each person should be treated on a case by case basis.

It appears you took my comments posted on Kate's Blog personally and I apologize for that. My comments were in no way directed at you. I think your a really cool dude! :)

Just call me a Jaded Bitch ;-) I still have hope that someone great is out there and will be able to change my "generalizations".

Steph said...

Great post today CMAC. I agree with you 100%. Happy Friday!

kcterrilynn said...

Well said. Everyone should be judged on their own merits.

Anonymous said...

What a great post!......This will be a good one.......Unfortunately there are alot of hurt individuals out there in the world because pain,immaturity,differences, or some people are just plain evil and creepy. They then fall into the "dweller" and "judgement" abyss, or the he/she did this/that pile. I think everyone should take a good look in the mirror. What happened to treat others as you would like to be treated? What happened to good old fashioned maturity,honesty and integrity? Have we allowed other individuals to form our character?
Men and women bashers, the generalists, are just that, generalists. No rationalization or common sense. I lost a few friends in my time by being honest and telling them they shouldn't treat their man in that way (whether cheating, lying or bitchyness). Needless to say there not my friends anymore, but were they really in the first place? and did i want to be their friend if they acted in that way? Maybe that's why i am still single by choice (sbc). I see what happens to friends in their relationships and i just want to SCREAM........cut the bullshit is too short if you want to play games whip out monopoly. It's aggrivating! I guess all we can do is be our best "me". Weed out the bad, keep searching for the good, and never lose HOPE that there is a great "you" who will make "me" a better person.

Darcey said...

I would like to take a bow. I think it was the post on my blog this morning that was the proverbial straw on the camel's back. ;)

<3 you, CMac, really, I do.

supplymadam said...

Your audio video today should have been "Heart of the Matter".

supplymadam said...

oops! Sledgehammer still a good pick.Thanks for the daily tunes.

True Jersey Girl said...

I couldn't agree more. I was quite a player when I was in my early 20's, but I met my husband and he was one of the "good ones." Our roles were definitely reversed.

Debi said...

I don't feel like all men are dicks. I mean I LOVE men, even Charlie! *giggle* I just rant on my blog about certain men in my life I find amusing. They are not stupid JUST because they are men. I have dated some really fabulous guys...sadly they thought I was a shrew! LOL Karma?

Hu Flung Pu said...

Unfortunantly there are a lot of men out there who haven't learned how to grow up.

When you find a good one ladies, don't let him go

The Diva ♥ said...

omg! ive been looking for bob marley! oh im so jellous :)
i love it. you genius.

Kristi said...

oh now Charlie. You are such a sexy guy when you speak your mind like that.
by the way~that subliminal message you put in my head is still there!

Marie said...

You make some excellent points, Charlie. I agree that each person is different and shouldn't be lumped into one general category. Well said!

Southern Sweetheart said...

Great post Charlie. Thanks for the reminder that there are good men out there..... hope I can find one someday! :)

Nicole said...

Sorry, Charlie, I know I'm guilty of this as well. I would like to point out, however, that on my blog I did state, "I'm not saying that all men are assholes, just the ones I get involved with." (Wednesday, July 20th).

I'm sure you are not a "typical" male, but I'm willing to test you out ;)