In some of my prior 400 posts, I've touched a bit on my family and growing up. Basically my dad always worked and never really got involved in anything at the house or in raising us. My mom, the stubborn and hot-headed Sicilian, pretty much ran the house. Although she worked outside the home too, she was the one who took care of everything at home, including repairs and all kinds of stuff. She did many of these home repairs half assed with a butter knife, but that's a whole other topic. Let's talk bees.
Each year bees would nest in the shingles of the house directly above the front door to the house, directly above the back door to our house, and directly above the door to our "shed" where we kept our bicycles, lawnmowers, and a host of other things. This shed was HUGE. It once was a summer cottage back in the 1920's and 1930's, so it was like 1/4 the size of our house. With the fun of summer each year, came the fear of the killer bee swarms in these three areas. When you would try to get in or out of any of these three areas, the bees would dive bomb and chase you, yet my parents thought this was fuckin' normal and never did anything about the bees.

Still fuckin' traumatized

So my brother, my sister, and I developed "the buddy system" for dealing with these bees so we could get in and out of the house and the shed. Here's what we used to do. One of would be the "caller", the caller was responsible for yelling out the exact "coordinates" of the bees and whether it was safe or not to make a run for it. Then there was the person who would create a diversion. We'll call this person "the entertainer". This person would throw a ball, spray a hose or throw some other object toward the swarm so they would disband and temporarily fly away so the "runner", the person responsible for running into the shed to get the bikes, could get in. Once in, the runner would ghost ride the bikes out of the shed and we'd have to catch them while avoiding the swarm. It was quite a production every time we would want to get our bikes out.
The same action was required while taking in groceries from the car in the driveway. When we pulled up we'd assess the situation and come up with a strategy. We'd load up as many bags as possible to avoid any additional, risky trips past the swarm. Basically bees ran our home, we didn't.
The bees would normally show up around late April and not leave until late September. The only savior we had was my grandfather who, if we called and cried about it enough to, would come over with his blow torch and burn the nest. He'd go up on a ladder, towards evening when the bees were back in the nest, and burn the nest with all of them in it. He'd wear no protective clothing, and he NEVER got stung!!! We'd be in amazement. I think he'd always catch them off guard or something. They would always nest in the same spots every year, torch or no torch, they would always come back. Anyway, now can you understand why I am still afraid of bees? Wacky story, but VERY true!!!
OUCH That sounded like it hurt INDEPENDENTGIRL
U are awesome tring to keep up with ya! Don't like bees much but love the honey ;)
You missed one Charlie!
CMac - you have what is called Apiphobia. Sorry, couldn't resist; the teacher in me is always present.
Thanks for checking out my blog! Funny, since I run a spelling bee, a friend and I are always trading bee-themed (as in bumblebee) memorabilia. She found me a button that said "Bee yourself!" and then a plastic bee full of soap. I found her a mug with a bee that said "Bee-otch!"
I won't send you any of these items for the holidays ;)
Thanks for reading!
i can handle insects pretty well, bees included, but i'm scared to death of bats.
when i was little, they'd nest in the attic of our house. occasionally they'd get into the house. i had a canopy bed when i was little, and i used to make my mom leave the hall light on. well, one night a bat came flapping in and landed on my canopy. when i went downstairs and excitedly asked my parents if they had gotten a pet bird, they both FREAKED. they both were waving their arms and screaming "bat! bat!" and made me and my sisters "evactuate immediately" to the back yard porch. i still remember to this day crying because i was so scared for my dad because the tennis racket he was using to "direct" the bat outside wasn't seeming to help AT ALL. it just made the little fucker mad cause it just kept diving at his head...
*shiver* bats are creepy.
Ok...I want to go back to the Mother fixing everything with a butter knife!
See, I knew I wasn't the only one. I am the handywoman. If you knew'd be so impressed what I can do with a little pointy butter knife. Your mother and I seem to have the same roles of do all and home improvement with zero male help. :) Sometimes, though my Henkles paring knife is just the right point size to fix any small little screw in the house.
PS...I've been stung twice this summer! UGH! My mom told me mosquitos and bees must just think my skin is so I'll just keep telling myself that. NOt to worry.
Oh man that is my phobia too ,especially hornets which are always looking for a crevice on my back deck. I faithfully load up on bee spray every year and once a week I spray the entire perimeter of my deck. It seems to work ok. I always walk out my back door with a can of bee spray in my pocket. I feel like a cowboy with a gun in my holster. I'm glad I'm not allergic but don't look forward to getting stung. I've been stung 3x and ooouuuch!
I know this girl that had bees in her ceiling above her bed and my friends boyfriend cut open the sheetrock,sprayed the nest and removed it for her then replaced the sheetrock. I hate bees too.
Charlie, have some bait for you!
float like a butterfly sting like a bee.
That's a hilarious story about the bees running the show. LOL
I hate bees too....they must sense my fear because I've been *chased* all the way to my door on many occasion. hehehe
You have got to listen to this comedian, Dane Cook... He does a bit about bees and I think it would be a good pick me up to encourage you to fight back!
Fuck bees.
One time I was getting out of my car at Waldbaum's and this bee kept flying toward me so I made a fist and punched it and it kept coming back at me and I continued to have a boxing match with it. Some guy was watching me the whole time and he was cracking up at me as he walked by.
Been stung several times myself. Not fun.
Sounds bizarre but bees and wasps do not like dishwashing soap so every year i spray wash the house and gutters with the soad (dawn). never seen a nest since! Neighbors think i am a clean freak!
Charlie - that was funny and to this day I still have not been stung by a bee 'cause I'm deathly afraid of them also. My sons (23 & 20) FREAK if they see a spider. I think it had something to do with the movie Arachnophobia.
Oh. My. God. ARE the male me!
Have to get up and go to work now, but I'm coming back to comment on this one further...
OK, back as promised (I'm "working" from home today, mostly to catch up on my blog reading!!!).
That was amazing. I would have been COMPLETELY freaked out, but I loved your buddy system. Did you ever get stung? I'm terrified of bees and have never been stung. However, I did research one summer with a doctor. Subject matter? People who died from bee stings. I should blog about it.
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