When I was about 17, shortly after I got my driver's license, I was out one night at my girlfriend's house. I arrived home about 11pm to a dark house. My parents usually went to sleep early because they woke up very early for work and my brother was already asleep. As I walked down the hallway to my bedroom, I heard a muffled laugh coming from my parent's room. I just thought to myself, she is crazy as usual. My parent's room was right across the hall from mine. As I opened my door and turned on the light, I noticed something was missing, something very noticeable, my bed. While I was out, my mom took my bed apart and hid it. Yup, that's right, mattress, box spring, frame, headboard, the whole fuckin' bed was gone. She went so far as to hide each piece of the bed in a different room or spot. The mattress in the garage, the frame in the den, etc. So basically Ii had to perform a scavenger hunt to find my bed and assemble it before I could sleep. As I was assembling the bed, I was thinking of a joke to play on her to get her back, then it hit me. I knew I'd have to wait at least a week, because she'd be expecting something.
About a week went by and I put my plan into action. I found an old blow-up skeleton decoration that we had in the garage that my mom used to hang outside on Halloween. It kinda looked like this:

Time For Work!!!!!!!

I knew that she parked her car in the garage at night and that she left the house about 5am when it was still dark out. So, I placed the skeleton in her driver's seat, complete with a baseball cap, a jacket, one of my mom's cigarettes in its hand, one hand on the steering wheel, etc. I tried to make it look as human as possible so that when she turned the garage light on in the morning she would think someone was in her car. Sure enough, she got up the next morning, went downstairs and turned on the garage light. All we heard was an "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" and she came running up the steps thinking someone was in her car. Payback is a bitch!!!!!
I have so many other jokes to speak of, but I'll save them for another day!!!! This was just a typical day in my house growing up!
Thanks for visiting my blog :).
Nice to find a hot guy who blogs, and loves dogs. Thats hot.
That's hilarious! It sounds like you kept each other on your toes. lol
Your mom sounds like a total trip!!!!
HAHAHA! That was great!
One time I took a crap in the open window of a parked car......I guess the joke was on them
Wow, that sounds like a great house to have grown up in.
Ha!!! Don't try that when she's 80!
I can't bekive she took hid your bed...thats too funny!!!!!
Thanks for my daily laugh!!!
Can't seem to get enough laughs
hahahahaha Are you sure she didn't say"CCCCHHHAARRLLIIEE"after she found the man in her car. Like Dennis in Denis the Menace.
I love this story. A little(or alot)of crazy fun is good for your mental health!
Yeah, I don't surf either, am I allowed to comment?
I'm not one for rules, so I'll comment anyway...
My mom and I used to do that, but since we found out we're the same person, we spoil each other's jokes before they even happen. It takes us years to think up one that the other one won't think of next.
That is funny! My Grandfather and I always had practical joke wars when I went to stay for two weeks every summer...
I love that you had that kind of relationship w/your mom. What I did to my boys (and vice versa) was scare them. I would hide in their closet or wait for them to come out of their room. Anywhere I could, I'd wait and then jump out at them. They had to take a couple of showers after some of them :).
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