Saturday, July 16, 2005

Men and Eyebrows

Mr. Clean is someone we've all know for years. I wish this fucker would actually show up and help me clean up my house. He is portrayed as a dude that is super clean and neat, but have you checked out his eyebrows?

This dude needs an eyebrow waxing.... Posted by Picasa

Has this dude ever heard of a trimmer or a tweezer? Can I trust a person's ability to clean with eyebrows like this? Why do men, for the most part, neglect their eyebrows? Most men walking around in society are in serious need of an eyebrow trimming, why is that? Especially guys that shave their head or have a very short buzz cut, trim eyebrows are a must! I make a point of trimming mine weekly. It's really not that difficult!

Then there is Cap'n Crunch:

This dude has bigger brow issues! Posted by Picasa

This dude has his eyebrows attached to his fuckin' hat! So, I assume when he takes his hat off, the brows go with it? No wonder men think it's acceptable to have messed up brows, look what society is telling us! :)


Darcey said...

Honey, I'm really concerned about you right now. Its perfectly acceptable (and surprisingly impressive) that you are a man who keeps things neat and trimmed. But the fact you're worried about creations of an advertising agency's eyebrow appearance?

I mean, c'mon, yes eyebrow maintenance is a wonderful thing for a guy to do. But let's focus on a more important issue - MANSCAPING.

Nicole said...

Please remove the pic of Mr. Clean, as visions of my ex husband are dancing in my brain - and he is not cleaning anything in any of them!

Angel! said...

I too notice men who don't trim their eyebrows. And I always wondered if it's because they are afraid that trimming/waxing would be too painful or if it's because they don't care to look good for their partner.

I would never be attracted to these men, not because of the physical thing but for the reasons mentionned above!!

Charlie Mc said...

Muse, manscaping is a MUST, but definitely a topic for another need to be concerned about me....

Independent, I'd steer clear of the Tidy Bowl Man too...

Bipolar, sorry to traumatize you early on a Saturday!!!

Cendrine, I knew you'd understand!

Jillian said...

Mr. Clean, The Tidy Bowl man are all needed at my house...When are the fuckers gonna show up!!!!!

Hu Flung Pu said...

Mine are tweezed by the wifey. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't look as good as I do today.

Marie said...

I never noticed Mr. Clean's eyebrow situation until today, only his baldness. LOL

I agree, nicely groomed eyebrowss are a must for anyone.

Anonymous said...

If that isn't bad enough, what about the nose hairs? Hello. Can someone please tell men (women too!) that they need to take care of those suckers. It's not attractive. LOL.

Christie E. Little said...

The only thing worse, in the eyebrow dept, is a woman with bushy brows. I have had to show a girlfriend or two the delicate art of tweezing. :)

Even worse, if they don't tweeze or wax the brows...I wonder what else they have neglected. OK OK..I digress.

Heather said...

Damn! Now I'm all paranoid about my eyebrows! Thank God I'm wearing a ballcap today...

And I'm so with Muse...gentlemen--if you expect things to look nice and neat, we do too...just a tip.

Jillian said...

Not just eyebrows & nostrils...what about the hair that goes out of the ears....eeeewwwwww

Kristi said...

I've never looked at the capn Crunch guy that way before. Too funny!!!
I am finding you so sexy just now.
Imagine that! all cause of Eyebrows! Just BAM! Hit me......

Just Me said...

am i the only one who thinks that captain crunch's mustache is growing from the sides of his nose and not on his lip? now that's a problem too!

Fred said...

Here's an example of a person who doesn't quite get it yet.

Dawn said...

Mr. Clean does have en eyebrow problem....never noticed it before but you are right.

WordWhiz said...

This is so funny!! Thanks for the laugh!

supplymadam said...

These are good answers. See that Cmac,we are so conditioned we overlook the eyebrows. So do you tweeze or wax? Or both,or trim and tweeze,or trim and wax?

(please pick one)
a)Tweeze only
b)Wax only
c)Tweeze and wax
d)Trim only
e)Trim and tweeze
f)Trim and wax
g)Trim,wax, and tweeze
h)none of the above

Anonymous said...

this is too funny!

It is so nice to hear that you take the time to "man groom"!

I cannot tell you how many sensitive discussions with men i've had on this very subject!

Spiders coming out of your nose and ears is definately a dating disaster.

Eyebrows wow! you think you are asking too much?...trim and tweeze please guys.

Dont even get me on the subject of washing your hands after a bathroom visit.....come on.....sounds gross.....but after the hands have flicked and zipped PLEASE!!!!!

anyway cannot stop laughing!

Anonymous said...

a second thought......did you notice that they both have blue eyes and large noses?..........mmmmmmmm.....and
Mr. Clean is sporting an earring?....when mr. clean was invented you think that was fashionable back then?....mmmmmmmm....this all sounds subliminal advertising to me!