A Classic Indeed!

I would get someone's name and address out of the phone book, call them, and ask for them by name. When they would come on the line I would tell them I was "Tony DeLorenzo from Bell Atlantic (now Verizon)" I would call them about 9Pm and tell them we were going to be doing some very high powered testing on the phone lines in their neighborhood between 10PM and Midnight. I would go on to tell them that if the phone rings in that two hour time frame DO NOT answer the phone because the person calling you would receive a EXTREMELY bad shock due to the voltage running through the lines. They would thank me for letting them know and promise not to answer the phone during those times. I would wait until about 10:15PM (in the time frame they were not supposed to answer the phone) and then call them. They would either forget or they were just curious to see what would happen. When they would answer I would Scream AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! like I was being electrocuted. You would hear them panic and go "Oh my God" and hurry to hang up the phone.......very funny to hear......people will believe anything!!!!
You are one hateful Cat......
But, it's funny.
Not as funny as panties though.
No You Didn't!!! OMG...that is hysterical! Who would believe such a thing? I'm thinkin' Kate could use your assistance with her psycho neighbor! ;)
ok, mister, you are blogging way too damn much, I can't keep up here! how do you think of like 4 a day!!! :op
Hahahahaha! That's insane and too funny. :)
Four posts in one day? Where can I get some of this Bliagra you're taking?
Great story. I love all the phone pranks on The Simpsons and Porky's. (Has anyone seen Mike ....?) Your pranks are starting to eclipse those.
Fred, hahahaha :)
Heather, not hateful, I am just a punk! :)
Diane, people will believe anything!
storm, they were scared!!!
Miss vicki, I'll slow it down
Sharron, thanks for the nickname!
Fred, these pills are expensive!!
Marie, hot new pic!!!
Panther, maybe we are related!
Man...you are clever! I'm impressed with your creativity. Remind me NEVER to give you my phone number!!
That's funny
What a hoot!
HAHAHA!!! You are so mean!!! I love it:)
I may not go to Hell, but I'll be floating around a few thousand years before they open any gate up there for me!!!
I'm laughing my ass off at you! This is hilarious! I came across your blog via Marie's....I'll be back :)
Reading that, I was thinking "Seriously, who would fall for that?"
Then I thought..."You know, *I* might fall for that."
Good one, CMac! :)
Great job Tony! When you're bad you're good!
The classic ones are the best!
Thats a great one!!
Hahahahaha... what a little deliquent you were. :)
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