Wednesday, July 27, 2005

It's Fun To Stay At The........


This is a very true story everyone. Today, The Sugar V was in my office and we got to talking about fitness and working out. He mentioned that he recently joined a gym in Brooklyn where his fiancee lives. He told me it was only $30.00 a month. I found that odd because the gym I belonged to for years was $70.00 a month and the gyms I worked at as a trainer were well over $50.00 a month. He just blurted out, "Oh, it's the YMCA." Well, I started laughing out of conrol, the YMCA!!! All I pictured was this:

Which One Is The Sugar V Posted by Picasa

I'd have to say he looks most like the cowboy.......I just hope he does not drop the soap if he showers up in there........


No-L said...

I used to belong to the Y when I lived in Tampa, it was not that cheap, unfortunately, but it was a new one so it had a lot of great benefits. Every time I would go there I would get that song stuck in my head. I would even play my iPod with all my favorite stuff and I would still after working out not be able to get that stupid song out of my head. It was quite irritating; needless to say, I did not join the Y when I moved up to Boston.

Hu Flung Pu said...

Sugar's gonna get big at the YMCA

Vixen said...

Has the Sugar V read the lyrics to this song?!?! LOL Here's a peak at some of them.. Too funny! :)

it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.

they have everything for you men to enjoy,
you can hang out with all the boys ...

it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.

Miss_Vicki said...

Never did the "Y" thing, my first gym was $57 a month, 24HF is where I go now, me and a friend joined together and it totals $66 a month. The one I go to is brand new and it rocks.

Oh, and you're beginning to scare me. :op

Got my fantasy football league set up, get your ass over to my blog and register! ;)

Steph said...

Since my questionable taste in cheesy music is already out of the closet, I may as well admit that two years ago, I saw the Village People on New Year's Eve in San Francisco and had a blast! Loved hearing all of their old hits (both of them) and seeing them all dressed up and drag queened out! It was awesome!!

Serenity said...

Hey that's a great idea Sugar, I need to look into one near me! GO YMCA YEAH!!

Unknown said...

CMac is just jealous that he did not join one first...In fact I saw him trying to find one in the local telephone book. He then proceeded to ask the cable guy for midday sausage.

supplymadam said...

Never diD the Y thing. I think my gym membership is relatively cheap.I have all my equipment at home. I got the stationery bike with the moving arms,my dumbbells,my nordick track ab works, and my Yoga,pilates and weight tapes. I like to work out on my down time.

Anonymous said...

My membership is at the Y too. Why spend double the price at another place when it's all the same machines and stuff?

Jenni said...

HA! Love the pic ;) I wonder if they sell sausage there...hmmm?

Christie E. Little said...

My Y is the Country Club Y! You need to check out our pool pics. LOL..we even have a little restaurant with a chef who gives cooking lessons! LOL. Yes, I know...too domestic huh. However, one step out at the pool and you have mommies in bikinis!
Wooohooo! I do pay 84/for the family a month.

Danielle said...