Sunday, July 17, 2005

Mrs. Butterworth's

Remember those Mrs. Butterworth maple syrup commercials where the bottle of syrup (Mrs. Butterworth herself) would come to life and start walking across the table and talking? I always wondered how I'd react if my bottle came to life. Would I sit and discuss current events and condiments with her, or would I freak out and run out of the house? I mean don't get me wrong, she seems very nice and all, but I'm not sure I'd feel at ease in the company of a living syrup bottle.

Make Me Some Pancakes Bitch! Posted by Picasa

From a sexual standpoint, there's really not much use for her....I mean even if you unscrewed her cap, the hole is way too small. I'd probably use and abuse her to get me snacks during games, massages (with or without happy endings), have her wash my back in the shower, maybe load the dishwasher here and there, wash my cars, and fold my laundry. Not sure I'd let her sleep in my room or come out with my friends. She'd be my little secret. I'd try my best to be nice to her. If someone banged Mrs. Butterworth that was married or had a significant other, would that be considered cheating? Would you befriend her? Would you be nice, or would you use and abuse her?

Makes you wonder what the Parkay tub of margarine that used to talk would be good for...........


Darcey said...

Okay, seriously? Starting to make me wonder about your sanity. You sit and talk about conversations with inanimate objects, and I talk about skinny dipping. Yeah.

peanutbutterfilthy said...


supplymadam said...

Haha! The things you think of. I would probably torture her.
The reason her hole is too small is because it has no give. You would have some splainin' to do if you ever got caught with her.

Angel! said...

Oh my God, where do you come up with such ideas? I think that you really need to stop drinking sea water!!

You should quit your day job and become a comedian full time.

Keep up the good work, you always crack me up (and we all know that you're into asses).

Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

I think I still have her in my pantry! I need to go look.....

Still laughing about Supplymadam's comment! too funny!

Thanks Charlie!

erl said...

dude that is great. great.

Nicole said...

Charlie, you sound like my last boyfriend!

Fred said...

No wonder the pancake mix keeps disappearing from the pantry. I'm going to have to separate those two.

Anonymous said...

Okay, now I'm starting to worry about you a little bit... LOL.

joanne said...

That's actually very funny that you would think of Mrs. Butterworth in a sexual way. LOL! I always wondered if guys thought of screwing every woman they laid eyes on. I guess maybe they do!

Jess said...

haha that was hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

I think she should go out with the Pillsbury Dough Boy! Then she can smother herself all over him!

Jenni said...

HA! You know, I used to play with my grandma's bottle of Mrs. Butterworth like a doll. She purposely didn't use it and kept it in her cupboard because she knew when I came over I'd want to take it out and push it around in a stroller.
Shit, screw the Cabbage Patch Kids, I just wanted a bottle of syrup.

Anonymous said...

Well aren't you on a roll - LOL in my office again, and having to lie about why. Seriously funny stuff Charlie.

Panthergirl said...

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie... don't you know? Mrs. Butterworth is married to the Quaker Oats guy, and their kid is that little honey bear bottle. Sheesh. Have to teach you everything.