My friend was a pizza delivery boy in high school. The pizza place where he worked had a daily special called a "Family Feast." This feast included one large pizza, 12 garlic knots, a meatball parmasean hero, a 2-liter coke, 2 cannolis, and a salad for like $20.00.

Where's My SALAD???????!!!!!

One day he was summoned to a house for a delivery of a Family Feast. He arrived at the house with the food and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later this 400lb woman answers the door and greets him. She thanks him and pays him for the food. He drives away, headed back to the restaurant. As he pulled down the block, he looked down on the passenger's seat of his car and realized he forgot to give the woman the salad. He drove back to her house and rang the bell to give her the salad. He rang it and rang it and nobody answered. He couldn't figure out where these people were. He knew they had to be home because he was just there. He walked to the side of the house and looked through the window to see if he could locate the people and get their attention. As he looked in, he saw the woman that answered the door in a recliner, with the food spread out all over the coffee table in front of her. She was all alone eating this family feast. She was in a recliner, with her head cocked back, holding the hero with two hands, licking the cheese off the meatball parmasean hero. He said he knocked on the window but she was like in a trance and didn't hear him. He finally got her attention after 10 minutes of yelling and knocking. He then went back to the front of the house to meet her to give her the salad. She came to the door with sauce all over her face and said, "Gee, I was wondering where the salad was" and thanked him for coming back. He was stunned that she was eating all this food by herself and drove back to the restaurant in disbelief......a classic indeed.
Wow, that's so sad... I feel bad for her. :(
Seems to my word of the week.
It is motivation to go exercise though...
Nothing like comforting yourself with food to make you more uncomfortable.
Great! Now I am hungry...well sorta, in a salad sorta way!
That photo is making me crave some good italian.
I can't think of anything to say that won't make me sound anything but bitchy. And I'm in a good mood.
Oh, when does the voting for the interview conclude?
Its sad, but I will still make a bitchy comment - I somehow don't think she was missing the salad.
I was that woman and next time that little s.o.b forgets my salad I will eat his entire family
Wow was that the tossed salad you ordered?
Go Muse!
Look forward to reading that interview!
Just picture the dump she would have to take after eating all that food. I especially liked the part where she was licking the cheese. She probably could lick a good dick with that tongue!
voting ends at 10pm tonight!
I just noticed the enormous list of links you have on your site. Wow. How the heck do you find the time to read all those blogs everyday?
PS - Rachwell wanted to say hi...she's having trouble with your page today Charlie...hopefully she'll be back in full force tomorrow!
Kate, that's the tough part and the time consuming part, reciprocating and reading everyone's blogs, it's usually a night thing when I am relaxing...
I'm sure she finished it off with a Diet Coke.
That's sad Charlie, not funny!
Hey, how come I didn't make the sidebar poll?? :(
I woulda left that salad on the front porch and friggin ran. Funny post.
This is an extremely cool looking blog.
The story about the pizza lady was kind of ... disturbing ... but I'll be back to read more.
I know people like that and some live here. (lol)
Gosh Charlie, that table looked good, now I AM hungry. (smiling)Does he deliver in FL?
P.S. Becky is too funny (LMAO)
Damn it Charlie -- now I have a visual of a 400lb woman using her body as a table cloth! (shivering at the thought!) ..... thanks for the laugh though -- priceless - I can't imagine someone eating that much food at one time! If I had been him I'd have been scared to stay for fear she wouldn't be full and would come after me!
Hey, I like the new "Daily Jam" video on the side bar. :)
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