Back in 2003 the house next door to where I lived was demolished to the ground and rebuilt. This process took more than a year. During that year it was an around the clock construction HELL. Town ordinance stated the workers could only work between 9am and 6pm, yet they would start at about 6:30 every morning, and yes, on weekends too. It was a nightmare. Jackhammering, hammering wood, yelling, all kinds of machinery, it was unbearable. One particular morning at 7:00, my doorbell rang. I woke from bed and answered the door, it was one of the construction workers who said, "The cement trucks are coming to pour today, so unless you want concrete on your car, I suggest you move it out of your driveway." Nice and polite huh? I moved the car and as I walked up the driveway to go back in the house, the 6 months of hell (to that point) finally caught up with me. I started yelling at the foreman about his rudeness and that of his crew. He said, "Shut up or I'll make your life even more miserable." I said, "I'll make your lives a living hell." He was like, "How are you going to do that?" I said nothing and went in the house. From the window, I heard the workers laughing and talking saying "What can he do to us???" Keep in mind this was a 90 degree July day.

Don't Fuck With Us!!!!!!!!!!

I proceeded to put stereo speakers I had in my room (which faced the construction zone) in the window. I then loaded a Christmas CD in the CD changer. I programmed it to repeat the "Hula Hoop" song by the Chipmunks over and over. I then cranked the volume up on the stereo to the max, shut the door, left my room and went about my day. I watched the workers' reaction from the kitchen window, at first they seemed amused and were laughing. After about an hour of the same song, less laughs, after three hours NO laughs. That song played for 9 straight hours at top volume. Needless to say, the workers never bothered me again..........those fuckers must have heard Alvin and the crew in their sleep for days.
Alviiiin!...Shut uuuup!
So you actually OWN an Alvin & The Chipmunks CD?! Let alone their Christmas CD? So you liked their other music so much you had to buy the Christmas CD? That's HOT! ;-)
Very cool prank!
Sweet, a post not about poo...Just teasing...
That's some kick ass payback. Thanks for the good idea. I'll file that one.
Hope you're having a good day, Sweetie.
That is tooooooooo funny.....done the same thing to rude neighbors who decide to have their kids pool party at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday in August.......not a pretty site to hear Hardrock, Coco and Joe for four hours!
Needless to say someone called the cops, ha.......there was an noise ordinance....THEY got the ticket.....they thought my idea was funny.
It was actually a Christmas compilation CD, the Chipmunks were just one of many "artists" on there....
Don't mess w/CMac - he's a creative one! Alvin & CM, where did you get that CD?
Should have refreshed before I asked :).
Hahahaha! Now that's good payback. Having to listen to one annoying Chipmunk's song over and over again would drive up the wall. lol
Dude... that's just crazy time!
You are TRUELY evillll....I love it!
Ahhh hahah! That is great!
Charlie, you need to write a book, this is brilliant!!!
C do you remember what street your boss had the house built on? I don't recall Russian accents however...
You're my idol
You are a genius!
Alvin is the perfect choice. You know every Christmas they think of you. You ruined them for life.
I bow at your feet!
reminds me of the drew carry show when they played vanhalen panama over and over trying to get him out of his house.
Hahahaha! Good stuff!!!!
Man, I have the song in my head now just from reading about it!
Pure genius! Evil genius, but genius nonetheless.
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