Rich has a friend named Steve who works in an office here on Long Island. One night Steve was working late and everyone had left the building. It was a very cold December night and he was finishing up his work at his desk and preparing to go home. It was then that the cleaning lady arrived to do her nightly cleaning. She was a heavyset older woman in her 40's, not very attractive, but Steve was horny and had not gotten any in a while. So Steve started chatting it up with the cleaning lady, flirting, and having a grand ol' time. Before he knew it, the cleaning lady and Steve were naked and fooling around in Steve's cubicle.

You Need Finger Cleaned?

As if fooling around weren't enough, this encounter led to Steve having sex with the cleaning woman. For some odder reason, Steve felt the need to stick his finger in the cleaning lady's ass while they were having sex. After the sexual encounter was over, Steve felt a bit weird, so he grabbed his clothes, got dressed, and ran to his car to flee the scene. Steve had about a 40 minute car ride home. About 10 minutes into the commute Steve smelled something funny. It smelled like dog shit. Steve proceeds to pull over on the side of the road to look at the bottom of his shoes, perhaps he stepped in dog shit in the parking lot at work. He checks his shoes, nothing on them. He can't figure out why his car smells like shit. It was then it dawned on him that the smell was coming from his hand, his right hand, his index finger. He realizes this was from the finger in the cleaning lady's ass and rolls down the car window in 20 degree weather, holds his right arm across his body so that his right hand could stay out the window the whole ride home. I suppose his face looked something like this when he realized it was his finger: (amazing what pics you can find on the internet)

My Finger Stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lesson here:
If you are going to bang the cleaning lady, wash up before you head home.
Oh now that is just plain nasty!Serves Steve right.
Moral: Always keep wet wipes in your car.
My cube is the perfect size for a sexual encounter like that, plus I have two chairs in here.
That's just nasty! Did I have to read that first thing in the morning? LOL.
you should call him costanza (from seinfeld, he did the same thing with the cleaning lady)
Does Steve now have four fingers on that hand?
All I can say is at least it was just his finger and not his tongue! Smelling shit and tasting it are two completely different shades of gross!
BTW..don't you know some nice girl with a well maintained ass that Steve and go finger?! Come on hook the guy up!
More poo talk, Charlie?
What are we going to do with you?
If you're going to tell a sex story this early in the morning, make it a hot one between two hot people on the copier or something, not this icky poo talk! Sheesh!
Funny Story. Poor Steve. But he got some didn't he?!?! LOL
Glad I have been up awhile! Perhaps he needed to learn something from the Cleaning - Woman! Like washing and cleaning!!
Gross..... I like the one about the 4 fingers remaining! (lol)
Everyone knows you are supposed to use your thumb not your index finger...duhhh....heheheh ;-P
that picture is awesome. i love his face.
Charlie I love you, but I think you are obsessed with Pooh stories! LOL
That's just nasty! Agree w/supplymadam, wet wipes are a must in the car, in the cubby, anywhere possible sex might happen.
having a well maintained ass should just be a common courtesy.
LOL!! NICE... I agree in that at least it wasn't his tongue...still that's gross. hehehe
Oh man, now that is just nasty! Why exactly did he stick his finger up the ass of a broad he did not know?
Gives new meaning to "Finger licking good"!
That move is referred to as the Dirty Jersey.
I have never seen a fuckable cleaning lady anywhere.
You friend has some issues.
Ok, I'm not sure what i'm more upset about...the gross ass finger part, or the OLDER WOMAN IN HER FORTIES part.
And Charlie...what exactly does one search for to come up with that picture?
Gross!!! That is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard!!!
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