Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Delicate Topic

Hey! It's my birthday, so I am going to write about a touchy subject. Let me preface this post by saying I have NOTHING against heavy people, people with weight issues, or obese people. I got licensed in personal training two years ago and enjoyed helping others battle their weight dilemmas. I've seen some people in my family struggle with weight over the years and I can sympathize with that struggle.

I have a huge issue however, when I sit in a theater, on a bus, in a plane, or at a baseball game and the person next to me is way too huge for the seat and is draped over into my seat. It's uncomfortable and a violation of my space. I paid just as much as they did for the ticket or whatever it is, why should I be inconvenienced?

Some airlines require people above a certain weight to buy an additional seat as not to inconvenience other passengers. When I initially heard this policy I felt bad, but this seems to happen more and more frequently to me and others, where people who are heavy are all over me and my seat. Am I an unsensitive jerk for feeling this way? Have any of you experienced this dilemma out and about?


Miss_Vicki said...


Weirdly enough, I had a dream about you last night.......... :op

Charlie Mc said...

thanks Miss Vicki!!!!!

Miss_Vicki said...

Now on to the "heavy" topic lol - I don't think that's wrong of you to be a little 'ickified' by someone that's literally huge not only trying to squeeze into a seat which is not meant for someone of that size, but also making it equally uncomfortable for you by taking up your space!

If I were that big I wouldn't go anywhere where I'd have to do that to someone, and if I did fly I'd buy 2 seats - to me, it's the courteous thing to do. Why should we have to suffer because they gorge themselves (I know, I know, with some people it's supposedly "glandular," and if so, hey my bad)???

Serenity said...

I am underweight and look like a supermodel that's what peolpe tell me.

P. S. When I flew to Italy in first class I had plenty room.

Serenity said...

According to a magazine...(?)
"The avg. woman is 5'4'' and weighs 140pounds. The avg. American female model is 5'11'' and weighs 117 pounds."

Charlie Mc said...

interesting numbers Sunflower....sounds about right!

Hu Flung Pu said...

I don't mind a heavy person sitting next to me.

Charlie Mc said...

freaky is the perfect height and weight to toss around a room in a loving manner

Vixen said...

I once saw a woman about 5'10" and had to be pushing 300lbs try to walk down the plane isle to the back. She couldn't do it without brushing along all the seats and bumping everyone. I feel bad for the person who had to sit next to her.

I have nothing against XL people, however, in my opinion it is an invasion of personal space. If you can pay the extra $$$ for all the food you eat, you can pay the extra $$$ for the extra space you need.

erl said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! party hard.

Marie said...

Birthday boy,
I don't think it's wrong to feel that way. I used to work for an airline and it was incredibly difficult to tell a passenger that he or she would need to purchase another seat (when it was VERY obvious that the person would not fit into one) due to airline regulations. I felt like the biggest jerk. I personally don't like feeling cramped in my seat when someone next to me is spilling over next to mine.

Steph said...

ya, that's gotta suck buying an extra seat for your fattness. I would be upset about it. I mean MOST people can control their weight if they really wanted to. It just makes me annoyed when it inconveniences other people.

Obi-Mac BakDon said...

Hey C-Mac, it's the other C-Mac (Mac of Azotuscafe.com).

Guess what. My birthyday is also July 12. Weird huh?

Happy Birthday.

Christie E. Little said...

The space thing wouldn't bother me, too much. I'll tell you what would bother me more....Bad Smelling People..fat, think, dirty...or Rico Suaves!

I had to ride an airport shuttle and had a woman sit next to me. I just about keeled over from the smell. UGH!

Hope you're totally enjoying the Birthday!

Charlie Mc said...

Happy birthday to you too Mac!!!

I am at work today folks, the people here are making it fun.....the big celebration was this past saturday....so today is low key!!! I always find a way to have fun though! You are all way too kind with all the birthday wishes!!!

Fred said...

Try a school auditorium seat - probably the smallest of any mentioned above. I work with a woman who is probably 350 pounds and got stuck next to her once last year. The hair on her face was pretty bad, too.

Serenity said...

Hey! My dad's B-day is today also.
I feel like I know your cancer personality.

Hu Flung Pu said...

An overweight business associate of mine decided it was time to shed some excess pounds. He took his new diet seriously, even changing his driving route to avoid his favorite bakery.

One morning, however, he arrived at work carrying a gigantic coffeecake. We all scolded him, but his smile remained cherubic.

"This is a very special coffeecake," he explained. "I accidentally drove by the bakery this morning and there in the window were a host of goodies. I felt this was no accident, so I prayed, `Lord, if you want me to have one of those delicious coffeecakes, let me have a parking place directly in front of the bakery.'

"And sure enough," he continued, "the eighth time around the block, there it was!"

Anonymous said...

Some people can't help that they are fat and can't lose the weight it is sometimes in there genes.

Charlie Mc said...

it's not about losing the weight anonymous, it's about being considerate of those around them.

Serenity said...

How does anybody function with that much weight on them is beyond me.

The Diva ♥ said...

happy birthday =o)
i think my butt is getting fat i should probably invest in an extra seat.

Anonymous said...

OK, I have mixed feelings on this... or I would have had mixed feelings on this had it not impacted on my life YESTERDAY. I was flying home, and as I'm walking to my seat I see that half of my seat is already taken. I spent the entire flight smooshed up against the window with her side touching me the entire flight. It was really miserable.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I understand what everyone is saying and I would hate to have my space invaded too, but I think some of you are not very sensitive. I know it's uncomfortable having a 400lb person next to you on a plane and such cause it's happened to me a lot but think about how miserable that person probably feels. They probably feel worse than we do that they're taking up half our seats.

supplymadam said...

Just say "No"

Panthergirl said...

I don't think it has to be about making anyone feel bad. If seats (airline, subway) are made for a certain width of person, then someone taking up more than that width should have to pay for two seats.

You might feel bad that I have to mortgage my condo in order to fly someplace with my two kids, but hey...it's a fact that three people take up three seats and I have to pay for that, no matter HOW bad you feel for me.

supplymadam said...

Don't forget the cost of kenneling the dog. Or does he fly "baggage"?

Molly said...

I too dislike the discomfort of having some stranger ooze in to my personal space on airplanes at baseball games wherever. What I hate is when I get on an airplane, a large person sits next to me, to keep from touching them (I have a phobia of strangers skin coming in to contact with mine, I could be a weirdo germophobe at the drop of a hat I fear) I squeeze over a bit and they take this as an open invitation to take up MORE of my space.

Nicole said...

When I was in high school I went to Great America with two friends, sisters, who were very large. While watching one of the shows, the seat broke out from underneath one of them. How embarrassing! I felt so bad for her!

On the other hand, as an adult, my neighbor was dieting (very large and getting ready for a trip to Great America). She had to lose 15 lbs because she knew at a certain weight the belts wouldn't fit around her and she would get kicked off the ride. If every year she could lose the extra 15 lbs for a roller coaster, why couldn't she keep it off the rest of the winter??

BTW, Cmac - I've lost 70 lbs in the past year and a half, want to check it out??

Nicole said...

That sounds kind of gross. What I mean is, I used to be fat, it's embarrassing, so go on a diet. Cmac - I am no longer fat, come and get it.

Kristi said...

oh hope your day is great!!!

Happy day!

Miss_Vicki said...

I didn't mean to be insensitive, but if they were that uncomfortable, and it was purely an overeating problem, don't you think they'd ya know, stop eating so much? :o)

Medusa said...

I really hate it when a fat person sits next to me in the subway. I think its inconsiderate of them taking up a small seat knowing that they're invading the space of others.