The honking that I would like to address doesn't even occur when we are on the road; it occurs while we are relaxing at home and the neighbor decides to HONK for her son to come out. The son doesn't come out because he can't hear her over his music, so what does mom do? She honks again. And again. Honk, honk, honk, honk.

Shut The Fuck UP!!!!!!

I noticed that obnoxious people out there frequently pull up in front of other people's homes and "honk" the horn when they pull up to pick them up. Isn't this an outdated way of communicating? Everyone has cell phones now and use them for every other reason except to let someone know when they are in front of someone's house. Last night at about 10, a car across the street was basically honking for 15 minutes straight. These honks lasted for 45 seconds straight and happened a bunch of times. What kind of an idiot does this? Get out of your car and go to the door you lazy fuck or call from your cell and let them know you are out front. Then at 12:30, just as I had fallen asleep, I heard another horn on the street behind my house honking for someone. What the fuck? I live in a residential area, not the city! Not that it is even acceptable in the city to do! Why can't people consider other people when making these decisions? Is it that hard to call someone and say I'm out front? Or call them when you are down the block and say "I'm on your block, I'll be there in a minute" so the person can be ready and come out? The one time people SHOULD use their cell phone, they choose the fuckin' horn and choose disrupting my quality of life instead! Get out of the car and ring the bell you fat lazy fucks! Then we wonder why there is an obesity epidemic.
I completely agree. No wonder you're angry--you didn't get any sleep!
What about "Honk if your Horny" is that allowable?
OMG I used to have someone living in my complex that would honk every morning for their kids to come out. At the time I had no obligation to get up early so it pissed me off. I feel your pain. I really do.
Agreed. I was in the big city last night, waiting to cross the street. It seemed like nearly every car that rounded the corner was driven by someone with a cell phone up to his/her ear!
Hey that pic!
I remember when your horn got stuck, perhaps a few have a serious problem (lol) Just teasing!
In is bad here in south before THE HAND HITS THE HORN BEFORE THE FOOT HITS THE GAS!!! (lol)
One thing I *seriously* hate about New Jersey... it's like people trying to communicate in Morse Code with car horns.
Why is it, when everyone has an effin' cell phone, that they can't either get off their lazy butt to knock on the door or call on the cell? Probabbly because they are parked and alone in the car.. when everyone know you can only use cell phones when in a crowd of people or while driving.
And the more it continues... the more future generations think that it's the proper way to communicate long distance. I wonder if Indians had the same issue when they found their neighbors starting up fires and sending smoke signals at 7am every morning right outside their TeePee...
Gabriel - Is it taught to inform people as to its proper use or is it taught because no knows what a horn is?
Agreed! I love the horn though but only use it when completely necessary -- like getting my frustration/anger out when someone pulls out in front of me!
Sorry someone ruined your rest by honking a horn like that -- you have more patience than I do, I'd have gone outside and given them a few choice words....
My brother's girlfriend used to drive up to our house and honk the horn. He'd go running out like the whipped boyfriend that he was.
Twenty years later, the same thing is happening. It truly is sad to see the boy jump when she barks.
Thank god for exurbia. The worst I get is a truck doing a jake brake on the hill outside my house at 3am. I have been known to give a really quick half-second toot during morning rush hour if some gramps in front of me is asleep at the wheel when the light changes to green, and five seconds later, he's still stationary, but I do give him the 5 seconds to wake up, first, and I don't lean on the horn. Ususally, someone behind me will honk at gramps before I do. But this is Jersey, so . . ..
You said it..
Wow, Jersey is getting bashed on this one in your comments!
And rightfully so. We just don't know how to lay off the horn. But mostly while driving, not while trying to get someone out of their house.
I think it is a northeast thing, in FL it happened but not on the scale that it does up here. People will honk as soon as the light changes, not even giving the person a chance to move. I was once in Biloxi, MS. the people there were so freindly they honked and waived at you. It was creepy like pleasentville.
LOL, Independent!
I hate when someone honks for you to turn right on red when there's a car coming that they can't see. That's when I bring out the big guns "My middle finger"
That's just rude and inconsiderate of the other subject them to incessant horn blowing because he/she won't call or get out to of the car.
that's when you whip out the 6ft inflatable penis with the sign that says "blow this"!
Well if it wasn't for my loud mouth I'd be blowing my horn to every fucking moron who got a license. If i'm not cursing them out and their mother who gave birth to them or getting out of my car wanting to beat the fucking day lights out of them, I'll honk!
My father always bitched and would yell at those morons...
"Wherrrrrre dida you getta youra license, Toys Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Ussssssss?"
Yes my dad has a heavy accent. I always thought those morons got there drivers license in a cracker jack box. I only honk for safety. I only honk three little honks when I get in front of someones door when I pick them up, only because they say...
"Just honk when you get here."
If they don't come out right away, I call them on my cell. I even get out of the car and ring their bell.
The fuckers who do not do this are those fucking cab drivers. The person knows that they called a cab and they always tell you how long they will take, so why must the cab driver be outside honking his horn like crazy for a half our? There are people out there who are just stupid and there are people out there like me who want to kick the stupid peoples face in.
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