Long Summer Weekend Upon Us......

I have some fun stuff planned. I have another race to run in on Monday morning. It's the annual Long Beach 4th of July race, I never miss it. There's so much going on in town this weekend, it's insane.
I never understood the fascination with fireworks. People wait hours on the beaches, the streets, and in the parks to see 20 minutes of the same shit you've seen a million times. I just don't get it. A few oooohs and aaaaahs and it's over quick. For me, anything with oooohs and aaaaahs should last a hell of a lot longer than 15-20 minutes. But, that's just me. Then you have the friendly neighborhood firework smuggler. You all know the douche nozzle I am talking about. The dude that thinks he's a professional firing stupid shit out of a Sprite bottle. The same douche that irritates every dog on your block and sets off every car alarm on the street. The same nozzle that ends up in the hospital by 10pm. He's easy to spot, just look for the dick missing four fingers, that's him. Every year you hear of some asshole blowing off fingers, burning down a garage, setting trees on fire, harming animals....this dude needs to be wrapped in raw meat and tossed to the sharks.
Speaking of sharks, they seem to be attacking all over the country again. Is the volume of shark attacks really going up or is it just reported more now? Either way, my white ass does not go too far out. Fuck that shit. I know I am going to die someday, someway, but being a shark's snack on the 4th of July is not the way this blogging fucker is going out. A fiery crash, a heart attack, run down by a Greyhound Bus, fine....I'll deal...but no way I am getting eaten by a fuckin' shark. Now that we established that, and we are talking about getting eaten (no, no, not that you dirty minded ladies) my question today is, if you could wrap anyone in bloody meat and toss them to the sharks, who would it be and why? For me, it would be this guy at work, we'll call him "Moe". Moe is a fuckin' grumpy older guy who has a chip on his shoulder and hates the fuckin' world. I say get the bloody meat, strap it to his miserable old ass and dump him in the shark infested waters. *****SPLASH!!!!***** Wow, that felt food! Who are you wrapping in meat and tossing to the sharks, come on, i know you have someone in mind!!!!!!!
One other thing that annoys me about "patriotic" holidays is the playing of "Born In The USA" by Springsteen. This is NOT a patriotic song, assholes!!!!!!! It annoys the shit out of me. The fuckin' song is about a Vietnam Vet who came home after the war and was treated like shit, could not find work, and was trying to get his life and mind together. Yet, radio stations play this like it's a flag waving "Proud to be an American" kind of song, stop!!!!!!!!! Ronald Reagan actually wanted this to be his campaign song back in 1984 and Springsteen said no for two reasons....one, it is not patriotic song....and two, Sprinsgteen hated his Republican ass!!!!! There are so many songs that people misinterpret that pisses me off, but that's a blog for another day!
With all that being said, I hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday weekend. I'll be checking in here and there this weekend. Watch out for your friendly neighborhood fireworks smuggler!!!! Summer will be over before we know it so get out there this weekend and soak it all up people...as always thanks for stopping by! You all are the best!
I would like to wrap the asshole who determines my car insurance payment in meat and throw him to the sharks... It was supposed to go down drastically this 6 months and it's the same as it ever was...
Sorry, that's just the first thing I found out this morning and I'm still bitter...
hahaha Bridget, it's all for amusement!!! :)
Woo hoo for the Long weekend! I for one am looking forward to the holiday simply for the extra day away from work.
I too do not understand the obsession with fireworks, but I have sensitive eyes and ears. I watch them with sunglasses and my ears plugged.
As to throwing someone to the sharks, today there is no one on that list, at least not yet...
well Molly, keep us posted, if someone pisses you off, be sure to report back!
I'd like to toss my two bosses to the sharks. Then me, Freak, and the sugar V could all watch in amazement from the shore as they get eaten. I'm not sure sharks like curry though?
Cuuurrry! On my God. It's a feeding frenzy.I hope it pours before the 4th. Too many trees around my neighborhood. The other day I found a rocket or something that resembled one in my backyard.Someone around here blasts alot of shit starting 2 weeks ago. It's time to lose a finger buddy!
The reason the Vietnam Vets were treated like shit is because of the liberal media and people like our war hero Kerry and Jane Fonda. They did then what they are doing now. Talking about all the bad things the soldiers did over there.
Like all the things they say now"It's a quagmire,we shouldn't be there.Abu Grab,Gitmo" You think the troops want to hear that with all they are risking?
I'm not the one that only applies the theory "the only good war is a democrat war."
Oh by the way Kennedy sent Military advisors to Vietnam. Why is okay to blame his predessor when Bush's predessor was already calling for regime change in the Middle East. You'll never hear that on CNN.
Why do people(not you)who hate this
country want to clebrate its birthday? I'm talking about the ones who want to change it.
okay I anxiously await your reply.
We'll finish out this week with a "BANG"
again, too much FOX news.
The reason Vietnam Vets were treated like shit was because that's the way this government is, they use people then let them rot. Look at the conditions these guys came back with yet the gov't denied Agent orange had anything to do with it. The last Gulf War was the same, these guys came back with all kinds of illnesses, yet the government denied it. This government points it's finger at everyone else, they should start by cleaning up their own back yard.
We should not have been in Vietnam, it was a war run by politicians, not the people on the ground. it was dragged out years and years longer than it should have. I admire all those who sacrificed and went there, but this government hung them out to dry, just like they are doing to our troops now. They are not there fighting for us, or for the Iraqis, they are there because it's a region of economic interest for the United States. You'll see, 5 years from now, this "new" iraqi government will turn on us....mark my words.
There is a difference between someone hating this country and those who want to see the right thing done. if you honestly think this government has been correct in everything it's done the last 4 years, then that's your option. personally, I feel this administration has lied, deceived, exaggerated, used scare tactics, bullied, and threatened to get it's agenda passed. To me, that's not American, or what we as Americans want or represent. I do want to change this country right now, that makes me MORE of an American than anyone who silently sits by and lets Dictator George bully and scare them. He can go fuck himself. Let his 2 daughters or people in his "royal" family pick up a gun and go fight, you'd see how fast his opinion would change!
oh, one more thing, if our soldiers commit war crimes or do bad things, we should not report them...at least Kerry and Jane had the balls to speak up!
Go Charlie Mc! You took the words out of my mouth.
I'd throw Jon Bon Jovi's wife to the sharks, ya know, to open the door for me to marry him ;)
My first reaction was "that's so mean to wish this kind of death on someone" but then I remembered the day one of my assistant principals made me cry all afternoon thinking I was a bad teacher. I can't stand that menopausal bitch. I'm going to maranade that meat before I wrap her in it so the sharks will really enjoy it!
Wow, that did feel good.
What's the obsession with Fox News? The liberals own the meadia.
First of Fox News wasn't around then. Also these guys were being treated that way the minute they got off the planes. People with signs saying "Baby Killers".
It's fine to report war crimes. But not have the NY Times do a 40 page report insighting the enemy. And to report Abu Grab as war crimes is so ridiculous.
Watch the Nick Berg video and see if we are still "abusing" the prisoners.
All I know is I don't want to see another 9/11. First of all it's an all volunteer army. "Most" of them who joined did for the love of this country and to defend it.Not for just the benefits they recieve.
Well if Charles Rengel(a democrat)gets his way then they will bring back the draft.
I thought this war was for oil?
You are so right about the morons who think they can have their own fireworks display without burning off some vital body parts. LOL. I'm always amazed to see the dumbass shit some of these people do.
Anyhow, hope you have an awesome weekend and don't do anything I wouldn't do! Actually, scratch that. Do everything I wouldn't do!!! :)
there SHOULD be a draft so the kids of rich fucks get to go lay their lives down just like the poor kids who have no other option but to join the "volunteer" army. If there is a draft, you'll see how fast we pull out of there....
Okay then. Is this a love-hate thing?
Charlie, it sounds like you have a GREAT weekend ahead of you! Enjoy those four B's....I'll have THREE of those on the menu and of course the one I'll be missing is the one I want most! ;)
Anyway...loved your post and follow up comments. Very well spoken!
Marie! We'll see if I get all four in......hahaha :) Have a great time too! ;)
All I'm saying is if Al Gore were president and they went to Iraq which by the way the previous administration was calling for regime change there before Bush was in office. Alot of people that are against it would not be. I used to have alot of the same beliefs because I too was influenced by the media.
Iraq was growing concern and there was a real threat of them planning a terrorist attack using biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction.(said Janet Reno Feb 6, 1999)
Why does no one question Bosnia? Because it was a democrats war and that's all this is about.
Also if he had something to hide(which he did),why did he not allow the UN weapons inpectors in for several years? He had plenty of time to get rid of it. Plus he used biological weapons on the Kurds and killed thousands of them.
Should we have waited and take our chances? That proves he had biological weapons. Does anyone not remember that?
I'd throw at the sharks e-ve-ry single driver who's afflicted with road rage. There wouldn't be anymore traffic!
Admit that you'd looooove to see the fireworks from my balcony... I could even make you "oooooo-aaaaaaa-ing" but I'm not telling you how I'd do that (wink)!!
Great week-end to you all.
Now those are the people we need to feed to the sharks. The ones with road rage afflictions.
My brother-in-law would make a VERY tasty snack! His got such a FAT ASS!!! Do I sound like I have issues?
Thanks for giving me the chance to get that oof of my chest. Now I can go back to being my same old goofy self!
Hope YOU have a great weekend, Charlie! Don't forget that sunscreen!
Fireworks can be equated to sex. You wait, wait more, and eagerly anticipate the big event. Then, 20 minutes later, it's over with a bang. (In some cases the fireworks diplay is somewhat shorter....)
Have great holiday, all.
"if you could wrap anyone in bloody meat and toss them to the sharks, who would it be and why?"
Ooooohhhh, you know who and why! I don't even need to get into this one, right? You remember me, don't you? I'm the supervisor of an uneducated mouth breather who doesn't respect my authority because she's older than me. Yeah, you remember that whole story. The story got a new chapter today, but I won't get into that here. :)
I didn't forget u munchkin!!!! :) E-mail me the update!!!
Good luck with the run on monday ;)
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