It's past the cut-off time!!!!!!!!!

Now, unless you tell people what your cut-off time is, how the fuck is someone supposed to know? Obviously if you call someone at 3am, it's past anyone's cut-off time except those who work for fuckin' NORAD. But seriously, some people's cut-off time is 9pm, some people's are 10pm, some people's are later. How is this cut-off time determined and how is someone supposed to know when your cut-off time is? You call someone at like 9:15pm feeling that you are well within cut-off time range and you get an attitude and they say they don't like calls past 9, well, how are you supposed to know this? Also, is there a grace period? Like up to 10 minutes after the cut-off time?
There should be a space in your cell or home phone to put someone's cut-off time. As you scroll through your phone for the name and go to dial, it should remind you that you are attempting a call past the cut-off time. Ok, I am being silly, but how does one know or determine someone's cut-off time? Do kids equal like an 8pm cut-off? Does the person getting up at 4am to farm, determine a 9pm cut-off?
I wonder if cut-off times have to be on the half hour or the hour. Can you have a 9:45 cut-off? How about a 10:10? I am officially making mine 10:17pm.
What's your cut-off time and how do you make others aware of it? Has anyone ever called you past your cut-off and pissed you off? Have you ever gotten attitude for calling pst another's cutoff time? I am very curious about this
i think cutoff times get ignored when you've been drinking. i only have a cell phone, so when i don't want anyone to call, i just turn it off.
NORAD ehheehhe
Cut off times definitely get ignored when you've been drinking...my mother is a 3am offender, no matter what night of the week it is...
I really don't care what time you call so long as I'm awake...if I'm not, I won't answer...but, if I have to choose one, I'll piiiiicckkkk...10:16.
My cutoff time is generally 9:00. I don't need to "shoot the breeze" after 9:00. I keep my phone in the kitchen and since my bedroom is at the other end of the hall, I will listen and hear who it is. If it's a drunk dialer I don't pick up or if it's the one who's perpetually miserable I won't pick up. Sorry the doctor is not on call 24-7.
I've gotten rid of a 'land line,' so the only number people have for me is my cell anyway. And I always forget to turn it off or on silent. Unless I know someone is awake, I generally don't call after 11 for friends, 10 for family. Its not necessary. But for me, honestly, I don't have much of a cutoff - if I'm still awake and coherent, and I feel like talking, then I'll answer the phone. If the lights are already off, then you can listen to my voicemail, biznatches. And leave me a funny message while you're at it.
I have no cut-off time but, if anyone calls my house after 10pm, it better be on my cell phone, or else my wife will have a fit.
I don't have an official one. Everyone knows I get up at 4:30 am, which is why my phone rarely rings after 9:00.
I have no cut off time for you c-mac, you can call anytime, day or night!
Cut off time. Fascinating idea. I don't have one. My friends know that I go to bed by 1am so they usually don't call me after that. But they know that they can call me no matter what time it is if it's important. I'm always there for them.
Cut off time for me is 9PM. No if's and's or but's about it!
I gave my mother a no earler than time! She is not allowed, under any circumstance (except death), to call be BEFORE 7AM!!!! My mother can shoot the shit like no other!
I then had to give her a cut off time. She is not allowed to call after 8 PM. LOL. One night I didn't answer. (Fell asleep on the couch) Before I knew it the police showed up!
That's right! My mother called the police to come and check on me! LOL.
I called her and she said..."well hunny that will show you to answer the phone when I call." (LOUD SCREAM)
I don't generally call anyone after 8. Just because I talk to people all day long for work and the last thing I want to do is come home and talk to more people. I need my peace.
I don't really have a cutoff time, but after 10pm I always think "who the hell is calling so late?" But I don't mind people calling as late as 12, cuz that's when I go to sleep.
Basically if they're friends or family, you should already KNOW their cutoff time, right?
I just don't answer the phone if I'm not into talking. Sadly, my phone doesn't ring very often :op
Your cutoff is 10:17pm. Is that 10:17pm ET? ;-)
Only having a cell phone, I just turn it off when I don't want to talk. Then I get it when I turn the phone back on. I'm not the person you want to call if it's something urgent. Though most people know that if it goes right to VM the phone is off for the day/night!
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I figure 10:00 PM is a good cut off for a short call. If you want to chat for a long time, 10:00 is a bit late to get started. My kids had a 9:00 cut off when they were younger, still do during the school year. My daughter is 17 now, so I'm less strict about it.
My cut off time is NEVER CALL ME after 6pm. I hang up on cold callers
OK so I get up really freakin early to go to my retarded job that I love, so therefore I have to go to bed really freakin early....so usually like 8:oopm is my cut off time...however...if I know you, or you are a hot guy....call just FREAKIN call!....er I mean yeah anytime :D
Lol I don't have a curfew for my phone, not that I am aware of. Thanks for posting such REAL ISSUES.
I think there should be universal implied calling times for casual acquaintances, like 9 am and 9 pm for grown-ups, unless the particular person has implied otherwise (e.g. has kids or different work hours). It's just common courtesy not to call really early or late. Plus, if you don't know the person well enough to know her schedule, what could you possibly have to say at 10 pm that can't wait until tomorrow?
Friends and family can have their own rules, but not acquaintances.
I make my cutoff time known to anyone who has any reason to call me at home other than to remind me about a doctor's or dentist's appointment the next day; receptionists will just leave a message during normal business hours, anyway.
10:17..got it! Now that I know I won't call you after that! :)
People call me all times of the night and its fine with me. I'm a night owl and I think people just assume that no matter what time it is, I'm up...I don't think I'm ever rude to people when they call me at 3 or 4 am but they usually know right away whether or not I'm capable of having a conversion. I'm really incoherent when awoken abruptly and there's no telling what I say but apparently its funny and they get a kick out it but then let me hang up. They end up telling me the next day what a "great conversation" we had and then proceed with some crazy off the wall BS -- but hey, I was aloud to be off the wall saying crazy bullshit -- I WAS ASLEEP! :)
Unless it's an emergency situation, my cut-off time usually hovers around 10:30pm. In the mornings, I'm fine with calls anytime from 8:00am on.
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