Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Treasure Island?

On Monday morning I was down on the beach very early warming up for the July 4th race that I was getting ready to run in. I noticed a couple of people combing the beaches with those hand held metal detectors. I thought to myself, what the fuck do these people think they are going to find?

A Chick Magnet Posted by Picasa

I'm sure it's a common occurrence for someone to bring a 10lb gold bullion and accidentally leave it buried under a foot of sand. Perhaps that necklace from the movie "Titanic" washed ashore and it's somehow under the sand. The most these dudes are going to find is a couple of quarters, soda can pop tops, or aluminum foil from some fat fuck's bologna sandwich. I am not sure what they are expecting to find.

Perhaps rounding up empty beer and soda cans would be more lucrative. There are 100's of them in the trash bins which are guaranteed cash. On average one of these metal detectors costs about $150.00, it would take years of digging up loose change to come close to breaking even. These metal detectors are a sure fire way NOT to get laid, no girl is approaching you carrying one of these.


Darcey said...

Yeah, I think its just funny to watch a bunch of old people walk around with what I refer to as their "sand canes." I watch, snark a bit and then roll back over to work on my tan...

Vixen said...

C-mac, how do you know what one of these costs?! Are you a closet metal detector geek? ;)

Dude has 2!! Damn!

Some people walk dogs along the shoreline, Some people walk their metal detectors...

Charlie Mc said...

Diane, I did a little research for my post..... :)

Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hu Flung Pu said...

So should I wear a dark speedo, or one of those light colored ones that are slightly revealing?

Charlie Mc said...

Hu, perhaps sugar V can suggest a good color........Freaky's vote is white so after she hoses you down, she gets a show!

The Diva ♥ said...

Arrrr, u found where i buried my treasure!

Bridget Unnel said...

OMG - they do this at the Jersey shore, too! Why? WHY?

Ya ever notice, though, that it is typically an older guy wearing pulled up socks with his sandals? Coincidence? I think not.

jomama said...

Nice looking blog for a beach bum.

Molly said...

You know, I always sort of envy the people combing the beach with their metal detectors I think it looks like fun and always good to have a purpose. You never know when you will uncover some lost bling

supplymadam said...

I never knew anybody personaly who has this hobby. But hey if they find something good,power to them.

Anonymous said...

I'm personally jealous of them, 'cause at least they're on the beach!!

Jenni said...

Shit, I say go for it...if you're old and don't have anything else to do. At least he's on the beach soaking up the sun and finding some buried treasure ;)

Miss_Vicki said...

Now Charlie, if you REALLY did your research, you'd have interview this fine gentleman and asked him if he had, in fact, ever found anything valuable. I am very disappointed in you ;)

Panthergirl said...

Oh god...I'm LMAO. What do you think my son wanted (and got) for Christmas this past year??

Yep. No bullion yet.

(I got it at the Discovery Store, btw. Along with the ATM machine he wanted. yeah...he is the ultimate geek.)