Dude, I'm shot!

He napped a great deal this weekend too. What is it with dogs and sleep? They look like they are in a deep sleep, but the minute you move or make a noise they wake up:

I See You!

He's a trip. So, I am back at work on this foggy, muggy, and overcast Monday. I anticipate a crazy day today because our in house system was down on Thursday/Friday for upgrades. I am sure there is a ton of work in the pipeline today....I'll try not to go postal. Which brings me to today's topic, jobs that would make me go postal. People associate crazy, disgruntled workers with the Post Office, hence the term "Postal", but I can think of a few jobs that would make me snap well before a post office job would, here they are.
Janitor at a $20 a night motel. Could you imagine what you'd be cleaning up daily? I'd snap after the 2nd room.
Assembly line worker at a factory. I'd snap in about an hour from the doing the same fuckin' thing over and over.
Garbage Man. With the heat and humidity in summer and the frigid cold in winter combined with the smelly garbage, I'd last about a day before I snapped.
Fast Food drive up window worker. After the 3rd or 4th fat fuck complained about not enough ketchup or salt, I'd ask the fat fuck if they really NEEDED the $20 worth of fast food they are about to swallow. I would not last very long.
Envelope stuffer. Imagine stuffing envelopes all day with mailings for a company? Between the repetition and the paper cuts, I'd snap in about 30 minutes.
What jobs would make you snap the quickest???? hahaha
Don't forget, my blogging buddies, to vote for "Bored at the Beach" today by clicking on the brown "Top Blog" icon to the left. Each Monday starts new voting! I appreciate everyone's support! :)
oh...what about a janitor/sweep at a night club...i heard once at my ex-husband's night club that the cleanup crew unclogged a toilet in the men's room and found a pair of underwear (men's)...i could only imagine what happened in those (after a night of eating and PLENTY of drinking) to make a guy want to flush them!!
I would definitely snap if I was hired to be the fluffer in the production of a porn film.
Bruce is awesome!
I would snap if I worked at any "theme" park having to hear cartoon characters sing all day.
my weekend was the complete opposite. another party like a rock star capped off with a free vilont femmes concert.
Toll booth collector. How the hell do they put up with all the fumes? I'd not only snap, but pass out.
And, does everyone really turn off their windshield wipers?
Fred, good one, I would definitely snap!!!!
Rach!!! I took a weekend off from partying like Motley crue....there's always next weekend. they actually have a show about this? hahaha
HuUUUUU!!! Porn star fluffer!!! hahaha
Wendi, that's nasty! But funny!
Earshot, go ahead, rub it in!!!! :)
Katie, you looooove Mickey's voice.
Working at Chucky Cheese!!!!!! I'd snap in the first 10 minutes!!!! I love my kids dearly, but that place drives me insane!!!!!
Anything to do with inside a Walmart store...hands down. I won't even go in Walmart as it makes me want to pull out my hair and scream something inapropriate at the top of my lungs.
The weather here was sunny and HOT HOT HOT We haven't seen a day under 90 degrees in over a week. Yesterday and Saturday at the cabin it was over 90...and the lake was warm. But still, nothing beats relaxing in a floatie on the beach in full sun. I love it.
Jill, agreed, Chuck E Cheese would blow!!!
Jenni! Rub it in! haha We've been spoiled here so i can't complain too much....hopefully next weekend will kick ass!
Okay, how about the person who is responsible for cleaning out porta-potties? That would send me over the edge in a matter of minutes!!
Catfish Catcher....
Seen that Dirty job on the Discovery Channel!
Alright, so we've pretty much established janitor anywhere would be a problem...or anything dealing with garbage...
What is a fluffer in a porn film?
It's Monday morning and I can't think of the worst job ever...Right now any job is the worst job ever!
Look at Bruce! I guess your partying finally got to him.
How about changing the bed pans in a hospital.
I agree with the a Garbage Man. That's gotta be one of the toughest jobs. That's why we tip ours well at the Holidays.After they get their tips our garbage cans are neatly put by the curb for about a week.
how about a sponge bath guy at a fat farm
Your dog is so cute.!
Laundry room in a hospital or nursing home.
Forest preserve outhouse cleaner.
How cute is Brucie!! Very nice pics. :)
I'd hate to be a gynocologist. I don't know why anyone would want to do that anytime, much less in this heat. It's just gross.
Oh man, I'm with Jenni. Anything Walmart all the way!
And little Brucey is so cute!!! Sorry if you didn't like the Bruce + the y. Everything that I think is cute I add an "ey" to the end. Must be the girl in me.
haha, I just realized I'm not alone. Kate said the same thing. ;-)
brucey rocks!
I could never, ever, EVER work at a Chuck E. Cheese! The only thing worse? The "lost parents" section of Great Adventure (the holding pen where lost kids go until their parents claim them). The kids just wail and wail and wail....
Voted for you...
The weather held out for us at the concert, thank god. Wild times. Couldn't really tell you if Fogerty or Mellencamp were any good because I don't really remember.
BRUCEY!! He does rock!
I'd hate to actually BE one of those theme park characters in that you're all hot under the heavy costume, you have parents chasing you down to give their kids and autograph, and you have kids mobbing you.
Cmac- I feel for ya, had a lazy weekend myself. Bruce is too cute! Love the pics.
The job that I actually had and would never do again for any amount of money (cause I would snap). Would be Helpdesk Support. I don't have the patience for incompetent loosers who ask STUPID PC questions. I could give examples, but the list is SO long that you wouldn't believe it! Happy Monday! :)
hey cmac is that Bruce sporting a leopard fabric covered Plow & Hearth dog bed? What a great dog!
Lazy weekend too......hot here in the midwest 97 and very dry no rain for 6 weeks can we have some of yours?
Job #97 i would never do - a returns service clerk in a dept store.....i'd be telling those people where to put their tagless, receiptless items!
anonymous, Bruce only likes stylish stuff....he loooves that leopard pattern dog pillow!!!
Diane, glad I wasn't the only one doing lots of nothing this weekend!
Allison, too funny, thanks for visiting!!!
Marie, I'd love to see you dancing in one of those costumes!
Jerseygirl, You don't remember anything?????? hahahaha
BRIDGET!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back, I missed you!!!!!!
Proctologist assistant! (lol)
Suzie, hahahaha
The fast food one reminds me of the time i was in a drive-thru and this dumb ass in front of me kept changing their order, adding and subtracting ingredients, asking for stuff they don't have, etc......after 5 minutes i had enough.....got outta my car went up to the window and yelled, "do think
this is the fucking four seasons restaurant?....get moving".....the entire staff in fast food restaurant started clapping and laughing!........i always wanted to say that to the losers who pull this crap in a drive-thru.! I would lose it after 1/2 hour in one of those places.....fired for sure!
The person who has to check your boarding pass along w/ID - before you even get to security. I'd kill someone if I had to say over and over and over again, "I need your boarding pass and ID." Geez people, don't you know you have to show it!
I call these "Jobs You Can Have".
My TOP pick?
Dugout Cleaner!!!!!!!!!!
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