Thursday, July 07, 2005

What Would You Do?

I brought up an interesting pre-lunch/lunch conversation today with the crew here at work. I gave the gang a scenario and asked what they would do. Here it is, let me know what YOU would do:

First think of a person you truly don't like. Someone that may have wronged you, has been mean to you, or someone who has hurt you. Now picture it being 3am on a cool, VERY stormy night. You are driving along a desolate highway and see this person broken down on the side of the road with no cell phone and no way to get to help. They see you and you make eye contact. They now know you saw them. Do you stop to help this person in need?

I said I would be hesitant but I would help because that's what separates me from them. If I drove past and left them stranded, wouldn't that make me just as mean as them? Also, the guilt would eat me up when I got home to my warm and dry home.

What would you do and why??????


Vixen said...

I'd pick 'em up because if something happened to them I'd feel guilty. So I'd pick them up for "guilt" reasons alone.

And that's saying alot because the person I am thinking of stole my EAGLES season tix in 2002!

The Diva ♥ said...

This has happened to me and yes I picked her up and now she doesn't hate me but I still don't like her as much. On the other side I have broken down about 3 months ago and a real nice stranger came to help he even paid for my gas. I totally believe in Karma. I'm sure if I hadn't help her out I wouldn't been helped myself.

Anonymous said...

I'd help - what goes around, comes around.

Miss_Vicki said...

Depends on how well I know them, and what exactly they did - cutting someone off in traffic is a little bit different than killing someone.... ya know how it is :)

If it was something relative minor, I'd help - if they had murdered my family, I'd run them over :op

Heather said...

I have to say that I would probably stop too. There are two reasons...
1) I too believe in karma...Just read what happened to my friend, Heather Anne (
2) You have to be the adult--not the child. Besides, that should give you satisfaction on its own...

Bless me.

Steph said...

As much as I'd hate to admit it, I would pick up the ice-queen. It would just make me look like an angel. I don't like to do people dirty.

Marie said...

Yeah, I would have to say that I'd pick the person up and out of potential harm's way. I have been stranded on the road and it's no picnic, and I can imagine how much worse it would be to get stuck in awful weather. I believe in Karma and that whole "what goes around comes around." I would feel like a horrible person to leave anyone stranded like that.

Megan said...

Two people popped into my mind instantly, and even though I don't like them, I have no doubt that I would pick them up. I'm a big believer in forgiveness (but not stupidity). I don't like to do things just because I don't want karma to bite me in the ass one day. Rather, I do things because it is the right thing to do. How the hell else are we supposed to change the world if we can't start with ourselves? I'd like to think that my actions would help change them in a positive way.

If not, maybe they'll break down again when I'm not there. ;)

CiaFai said...

I would leave the FUCKER there, because they would do the exact same thing to me. I'm tired of doing good and getting kicked in the ass. It's like getting your ass kicked and when they got you down on the ground, while you try to get up they'll just kick you right back down. That fucker did me wrong, this would be a lesson to them from me not to pick them up. This will show the fucker that they can't have their cake and eat it too because this strong heart of mine does not fall under temptation. Though that sounds like something religious, being athiest I don't mean it that way. To be tempted to do something good to help someone out is good, but it's not good when they don't deserve it. I have no pity for people who do me wrong! They didn't care about my feelings my soul when they did me wrong. So why should I? If I could I would roll my window down and wave hello and smile as I drove off. You might think I'm mean, but I don't need to be kicked in the ass anymore. I'm scorned to that fucker so they can rot right where they belong! Have a great day!

Fred said...

I'd pass them, then either circle around or back-up and get them.

Then we'd have a conversation about how I should've kept going but didn't.

CiaFai said...

Hey Charlie, what made you bring this whole thing up anyway? What triggered your mind?

Charlie Mc said...

Ciafai, you crack me up.....

The reason I would stop is simple, I am the better person. Maybe them seeing me stop and be kind would trigger something in their soul to better themselves.

I do understand what you said though, people should have to pay a bit for being mean, but I think in the end, they all do, we just may not always see it.

Nothing happened to trigger this thought, it was just one of many random thoughts or scenarios that enter my head daily.

Charlie Mc said...

freaky- you may be a ball buster sometimes, but I know you are a good person!

Diane- Stealing season tix is a BIG thing to overlook!!!

Blue- I would not expect any less from you! That's why you rock!

Bendersgurl- Mental Note, be nice to you!!!!!!

AfromABQ, :) Never thought for a minute you'd keep going!

Miss Vicki....hahahahaha

Heather, good answer! Thanks for that link!

Glam girl- Ice Queen huh? Sounds like a nice person!!!

WordWhiz said...

I don't dislike many people. Hermes says I'm too sweet and give him cavities. Anyway, there's a guy who tried to proposition my teenage daughter once. I wrote a post about him. She was barely 16 and he was in his mid-20s. The proposition was crude and Anyway, someone I dislike brought him immediately to mind. Would I stop? How desolate is this road? Is absolutely no one else around to help him? No police or police call boxes?

I'd run the bastard down. Asshole doesn't deserve to live.

Not THAT sweet, huh? Don't mess with my kids.

Nicole said...

I immediately thought of a loser-cokewhore-cheater-liar that I once dated. My first thought would be to slow down, roll down the window, and flick him off as I drove by. Or I would stop and say, "do you have the $120 you owe me? Then FUCK OFF!". But I am a sucker, especially for him, so I would probably not only pick him up but I would bring him home and make him soup. And maybe have sex all night.

This is hypathetical, right?

Hu Flung Pu said...

No question, I would pick them up. Even my lesbian ex-girlfriend.

Unknown said...

F'them the reason why their in that mess is because of karma. It is the retribution for what they did to me. Why would I want to spoil my retribution?

Jenni said...

Yeah, I'd run them over.

No, I'd pick them up. I really haven't had anyone hurt me that bad. I guess I'm lucky.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'd help too. I'm such a sap. :)

Medusa said...

I would do the exact same thing like what Ciafai said. And if it was my ex-husband who was stranded, I would run him over.