Thursday, July 28, 2005

Lunch With Hope and CiaFai

On my mini vacation this past weekend/week I got in all kinds of rest and relaxation. I also got to see some friends that I had not seen in a long time. One of those friends is Hope. Do any of you have a friend that you maybe go a while without seeing or talking to, but when you do, it seems like you just spoke to or saw him/her? Well that's how it is with Hope. She is such a great person and always finds a way to put a smile on my face. We've chatted about many things over the past 3+ years and it's good to know I can always call or write to her and that she'll give me a good perspective on things, not to mention make me laugh.

A few months ago, Hope and I were talking on the phone and I mentioned my blog. She went on to tell me that her friend Cia Fai also had a blog and that I should check it out. Well, later that night I logged on and checked out her blog. I immediately found her fascinating. I loved her writing style and I connected with her descriptive and deep way of writing. She wrote with so much emotion that I sort of felt the way she was feeling just by reading her posts. She's posted some really funny stuff as well. I started commenting on her blog and she reciprocated. We then got to e-mailing and chatting on messenger. I absolutely adore her stories and her perspective on things. Well, after a couple of phone chats, Cia Fai accompanied Hope to my house this past Tuesday.

I had such a great time with them. They absolutely feed off of one another, sort of like Sugar V and I do. They both had me smiling and laughing all day. They are both talented singers and I hope they both make it someday, not to mention that they are both beautiful ladies. They look very different, but they both are absolutely stunning ladies. Add their personalities and their humor to the mix, and it's just a perfect combination.

Cia Fai's stories captivate me. Whether it be on instant messenger, the phone, or in person. She's definitely one person that would never bore me. I mentioned to a few of my friends on Wednesday how I could have listened to her talk all day and night long. She's just a very unique and interesting individual. I pictured her more shut in and reclusive, sort of "mysterious" until I met her on Tuesday. She has a wonderful personality and is very eclectic. She can go from very serious topics to joking around at the drop of a hat. Check out her blog when you have a chance and link it, you will be glad you did.

As far as Hope, she got started blogging on Tuesday. I'm not sure she's going to share her link with anyone, as she wants it to be a personal type of a blog, but if she ever changes her mind, I'll be sure to read it. She has always been someone I could count on to make me smile or laugh with. She's just a kind and caring person and I am glad I've been her friend for the past 3+ years.

I had a great lunch and day with these two ladies. I hope to see them again soon.


Steph said...

CMAC, that is great news. I did read her blog and it was awesome! I cannot wait to read your famous interview with her!

Miss_Vicki said...

I'll definitely check her out, I've found some great blogs through you. I love it when I meet someone I can connect with like that, whether it be a friendship or otherwise. Awesome!

Unknown said...

Yoooouuu spank it likes its hotttt!!!!!

Southern Sweetheart said...

Sweet post charlie. I have 2 friends that it always feels like no matter how longs its been since we spoke/chatted, we never skip a beat -- that's how I know they're true friends. It's great to find special people - people we connect with on a different level.

Hu Flung Pu said...

You and Sugar FEED of each other. Are we talking like whip cream and shit like that???

Kristi said...

I love it when i connect with people like that. Its such an awesome feeling!

Fred said...

Thanks for the link - it's a great blog.

Marie said...

That's awesome! Sounds like a great time spent with two great women. :)