Friday, July 15, 2005

Whole "Buncha" Friday Shit

Good Morning everyone. As usual, it's a Friday hodepodge here at the beach. A few things today:

This new movie "The Wedding Crasher" comes out this weekend. I must say, weddings definitely are a place to pick up single chicks. Going to a wedding by yourself is a must whenever possible. There is usually more single female ass at a wedding than the ladies room at an N'SYNC show. These women usually are friends of the bride or groom and are all sentimental and lovey dovey wishing it was them getting married, so when they are in that mode, it's like taking candy from a baby, or a small child for that matter. Not that my charm and humor aren't a factor, haha. Supermarkets are also a great place to meet women. I rarely go food shopping without striking up a humorous conversation with a pretty lady. I have a washer and dryer in my house now, but when I rented my first two apartments I used to have to go to the laundromat to wash my clothes. That is another outstanding place to meet a cute girl. Laundry says a lot about a girl before you approach her. If she's folding men's clothes too, she's taken, baby clothes, she's got a kid, old lady's clothes, she lives with her Mom or get an insight into a girl's life before you even strike up a chat.

Speaking of female ass, what's the deal with attractive, in shape women walking on the boardwalk, through the mall, and around town with jackets tied around their waist covering up their asses? That shit bothers me. As you all probably know by now, I am an ass man. I hate when women cover their asses with a tied sweatshirt or jacket around their waist. Show that thing off, it's summer! There is nothing like a nice ass to brighten my day. Some need coffee to get their day started, I need a nice ass to glance at. Enough said.

Is it just me or do you too feel completely violated after filling your car up with gas these days? I feel like I've been gang banged every time I leave the gas station. I filled up this morning ($40.00) and left there feeling like a beaten mule. As I watch the fuckin' dollars display go up and up on the pump I think of all the shit I could do with that $40.00 like buy 8 beers at happy hour. I am tired of feeling cheap and used at EXXON.

The weather looks so so for the weekend here on Long Island, hopefully we'll see mostly sun. I have to get back into full swing with my running, I've been a bit lazy since July 4th weekend. I have a race on the 26th that I want to do well in, so I need to get back the momentum I had two weeks ago. A holiday weekend and a birthday weekend will fuck you up for sure. Anyway, I hope you all have fun this weekend! I'll be checking in and posting random shit as it happens. Enjoy everyone! :)

Be sure to look for my compelling interview with one of my favorite blogger friends, Marie, this weekend here at "Bored at the Beach", it will be a great interview!


Serenity said...


Sorry didn't write earlier but I was shaping my ass with some yoga. Sounds like a BUNCHA BULL with gas prices so high. C- ya later GATOR

Serenity said...

U like that! U serious about meeting chicks at weddings? I guess that is a great place to meet some drunk single gal.

Charlie Mc said...

sunflower, whenever I bring a date to a wedding, there always turns out to be like at least 6 girls I could have gotten to know had I not had a date there, it's wacky!!

Muse!!!! You are correct once again, it draws attention you punk! :)

Serenity said...

Stony Brook is where I lived in Long Island last year when I stayed there with Rude Jude Haven't talked mucha bout him lately.

Charlie Mc said...

well come back and visit anytime! We want to hear about this rude jude!!!

Charlie Mc said...

come visit Long island, that is!!! :)

Hu Flung Pu said...

"I've got a nice little weekend planned actually, we're going to run to home depot and pick out some curtains, and then head over to Bed Bath and Beyond, I don't know though, I don't know if we'll have enough time"

Charlie Mc said...

Rach! Actually all the SUV's are contributing to the problem because of the high demand for sucks!

Ass all the way, breasts are a non issue for me!

Charlie Mc said...

HUUUUU! A Classic!!!!!

Just Me said... lucky...i want sun...though not as much sun as the picture of the woman on my blog...make the rain stop..pleeeeaaase...

Kristi said...

My brothers wedding is next weekend. I'm the MC. I'm going stag.
You gonna fly all the way here and come pick me up???
I promise the only thing I'll hide my ass under is a skirt!
Its gonna be an intersting event....

Charlie Mc said...

Kristi, I'm there! ;)

Jillian said...

I wish I had your weather!! Its way to freaking hot here!!!!

Molly said...

I for one am definitely checking out Wedding Crashers this weekend. I love Vince Vaughn, for some inexplicable reason.

Have a good weekend.

Fred said...

Talking about slowing down your momentum, imagine having the whole summer off. When I get back to work later this month, I've got 9 weeks worth of laziness to fix.

Plus, I'll have to get up before 10:00 am. Shit.

True Jersey Girl said...

Pray for a nice weekend...I've got the Mellencamp concert tomorrow night with a full day of tailgating planned prior to it! If it rains its gonna SUCK! But I'll still be trashed, so I guess its all good.

kcterrilynn said...

I hear you on the gas prices. My brother has an F150 truck and it costs him upwards of $70 to fill the damn thing. WTF? I'd be walking...or homeless.

supplymadam said...

You have all the "pick up angles" figured out" lol!
Maybe those girls should use their jackets as scarfs instead of cumberbuns!

Steph said...

I don't cover my ass up either. I get too many compliments on my junk in the trunk. shoooot! haha

Matt said...

i'm off to a wedding alone this weekend followed by a reception at a brewery then a pub crawl. time to order up some liquid panty remover.

Marie said...

You are so right about meeting singles at weddings, grocery stores and laundromats. lol

I agree...a nice ass should be flaunted and not hidden in layers of clothing. ;)

By the way, I LOVE the questions you gave me. You've got the wheels churning big time in my head. Thanks for taking time to interview me. :)

Heather said...

Now, Rach--We all know that T is better than A. Just kidding. I'm just jealous...and so are you... ;) Besides, girls with no T have padding, girls with no A have to do SOMETHING!

I am hating this Friday because I'm busy at work and I can't blog surf as much as I want to.

Hope everyone is having a good Friday!

Nicole said...

Charlie, you can look at my ass ANYTIME! Little known fact, Sir Mixalot wrote that song about *ME*


Nicole said...

PS: I miss you! My site is back to normal, come and visit!

Kristi said...

so gas here in my little town is only 80 cents a litre.

Panthergirl said...

Ah, Charlie. You're always good for a laugh. My sister and I used to crash weddings all the time. We'd be at a cousin's reception, slip out and into one of the other five or six that were going on at the same time (Leonard's of Great Neck?). The trick is to ask "what side are you on?" and when they say "Bride's", you say you're on the Groom's side. Can you tell we made an art form out of this?

There's plenty of prime male booty at weddings too, my friend. I was hit on by a GROOM!!!

(Gas update: $2.94 for premium yesterday.)