How about the news media's strategy when reporting even a local crime. They always seem to dig up the worst possible photo of the accused and stick it in that box behind the anchor’s head while they tell the story. It’s NEVER a nice photo of a day at the beach, a picnic, a family photo, or a Sears Portrait Studio shot. It’s always a photo from 1989 with a Vanilla Ice haircut, a picture after a night of boozing, or a picture after mowing a 5 acre lawn. Or the infamous MUGSHOT!

Not his finest moment.......

After the accused is arrested and brought from the police car to the jail, they always like to think they are fooling us by putting a coat over their head to conceal their identity from the media and the cameras. I mean the first, middle, and last name along with the address and picture the news person just reported won’t blow your cover. That Puma sweatshirt is definitely keeping it your little secret.
I find it amusing when the reporters go into a neighborhood and interview the neighbors of an accused person. The neighbors always say…”he was so quiet” or “he kept to himself, I am shocked”. “What a nice man he was, a real family man”. He kept to himself because he was plotting the crime the last six months, not because he was nice!!!!!!!!! Neighbors are always stunned when something happens on their block too. The news always seems to find the 95 year old man who says he’s lived there for 78 years and he’s never seen anything like it on that block. So look out if you live on a block where it’s been quiet for 80 years, there’s a quiet, hard working, family man who keeps to himself , and where that same neighbor refers to himself by his first, middle, and last name.
Hm, I think I got one of those living next door to me. He is so quiet, a single guy, very involved with his church...but I don't know his middle name. I guess when they arrest him and find the bodies in the yard, I will find out.
I expect everything from everybody.
Works for me. Than I'm not caught off gaurd or ever surprised.
Expect it All!
I like the action!
I live out in the country - very rural, small-town USA. A few years ago, a group of parents in the neighboring small town where I lived at that time staged a protest outside an individual's home. This individual was on the Megan's list. He'd rented a house with property that adjoined the elementary school. Parents weren't comfortable with that. Didnt' feel he should have been allowed to rent that property. Don't child molesters need to stay AWAY from kids, rather than have a veiw of the school playground from their kitchen window. (I'm exaggerating, of course. There was probably a half acre of woods between the house and the school...I digress.) The incident made me wonder about the whole Megan's list thing. I couldn't believe a child molester lived in our little town!! Don't they all live in the nasty big city?? I got on line and checked it out. There were SEVERAL of them in the on our STREET!!! The on-line link doesn't give you the specific crime or even if the victim was a child or adult. (Are all Megan's List criminals child molesters, or does any sex crime get you on the list??) At any rate, the kids STOPPED taking the bus THAT DAY! They DO put photos on the Megan's very similar to this one on your post!! One of them was like a million years old. I pictured him in a trench coat, flashing. Ewww....wrinkles!!
Same goes in our country. They'll even present the suspects in public.
Eeyeww! I thougt that of the shoe bomber 4 years ago, but still, eeyeww! Icky gross! Where can I shower?
I only watch Fox news, and they report the truth, nothing but the truth.
Yeah, you never hear the neighbors say "You know, I knew something like this would happen! My neighbor was a whack job and I feared for my life every day..." ;-)
How about that animal Duncan that killed that family and kidnapped the 2 kids and also killed the little boy. I say the judge that let this creep walk the last time he raped a 6 year old boy should also be held accountable. He says " I don't recall the case" Damn liberal judges always for the criminals rights. How long will this case go on now? I say stick the needle in his friggin arm. Wait that's too humane. Bash his sick head in!
Crap Im screwed!!! I live in a very quite nieghborhood!!!! Nothing ever goes on here!!!
This is such a great lead-in to a post I'm going to write. I used to collect newspaper clippings of murders (many of them serial) committed by people with the name "Wayne" or "Lee" (first, middle or last). It's fucking SCARY, I tell ya.
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