So, I had to stop at Kohl's Department store real quick on Friday for something. As I made my way around the store, I stumbled upon this and I just had to snap a picture with my camera phone:

What's Next, An Amputee?

Has America gone too far with this political correctness? Do we really need a mannequin in a wheelchair? I mean, have people in wheelchairs rolled into the streets and demanded to be represented by mannequins?
Perhaps all groups, sects, disabilities, diseases, and afflictions should be represented by mannequins just to make everyone out there happy. We can have the AIDS patient mannequin, the blind mannequin, the diabetic mannequin complete with an insulin syringe, the retro polio mannequin, and a down's syndrome mannequin. Maybe we'll throw in an obese mannequin and an anorexic one so everyone is represented.
Sure this is just a mannequin and some may be wondering what the big deal is. The big issue is that this country, the media, and many people are petty and need to make a big issue out of trivial things like this. Many people feel the need to walk on eggshells and appease everyone's little petty issues. I am not one of those people. I am definitely not insensitive to things and I definitely do believe in causes, but in causes that have an impact on people and will better the world, not on fighting for representation by mannequins.
America, a country united by the English language for years, is now a country of 10 choices at an ATM or on a customer service line. The reason, politicians are afraid of passing a law to make English our official language because of the chance of a backlash at election time. Don't get me wrong, I am all for diversity, culture, heritage, and pride in one's ethnicity, but there needs to be common thread that unites us and language is just that. My grandparents were forced to learn English when they ventured over from Italy back in the early 1900's. They had no choice but to learn it. There were no signs in Italian, no Italian radio stations, and no Italian taught at public schools. My family still enjoyed their culture and were proud people despite having to assimilate. Today, we make it very easy for certain groups of people and give them no reason to learn the English language. Generation after generation is born here and each generation is either too lazy or feel there is no need to learn English in America. Our government does nothing about it because of this wave of political correctness.
There are so many politically correct stances the media and our government take, what are some that piss you off?
It's Monday! Kindly vote for "Bored at the Beach" by clicking on the brown "Top Blog" icon to the left. Thanks everyone!!!!
Where is the market? Is there a majority in wheelchairs today for that? Questions to ponder.
Political correctness me? No way. Lemme give it a shot: C-Mac you have a great fondness for cylindrical shaped meat and an uncanny yet amazing ability of placing in various orifices of your body.
Charlie - Did you find out if there is some kind of movement for this sort of thing? Or is Kohl's just doing this on their own?
Also, do you speak Italian? Did your parents pass that on to you? Where did they come from in Italy? Sorry for all the questions...just feeling nosy this morning.
Heather, I am sure it was some dude in Kohl's boardroom trying to appease. Either that or maybe they received a letter from some group. Whatever triggered it, whether it be a movement, or an individual decision, I just think it's gone a bit too far.
As far as the Italian goes, I know very little. My granparents were taught to speak English when they got here and as each generation was passed less, and less Italian was spoken. I am still proud of my heritage, but I am an American 1st.
Dude! The picture of a maniquine in a wheel chair is too funny! That really made me laugh on this crappy Monday.
I like looking at the mannequins in victoria secret :)
I've seen headless mannaquins. What is that all about "You don't need a brain to wear our clothes"?
I think I'll take a trip to the adult store to check out what those mannequins are up to(or in to)
hu---that's funny...victoria's secret...but i think the one's at frederick's of hollywood are prolly better...maybe???
I absolutely agree with you Charlie. There's nothing I hate more than when I make a call and the automated voice on the other end asks me to press 1 for spanish and 2 for english. Excuse me? Shouldn't that be the other way around? This is still America correct? It drives me nuts that everything is in spanish now and oh by the way, if you speak english you can get through too. You just need to wait. Agh!!!.
Yeah, the wheelchair mannequin is def going too far. You have to wonder what prompted that.
But I do love the new jam! R. Kelly was not my thing, but lovin the Jesus Walks!
I think it is depressing for the disabled people....they do not need to see reminders.
As far as Italy, spent years going back and forth.....I wish they did teach more about their cultures here.
I have learned some of the language, but still have trouble w/ English!! (lol)
I vote for intensive care, burn victim manequin, equiped with morphine drip and sterile gauze.
Wow, how refreshing to know that the language issue is also a concern in the U.S. In my building there's a Chinese couple who don't speak english or french. How do they do it? If I'd go live in China and I'd decide to be impolite by not learning Chinese, would I be able to still get away with it and live my life as a French girl?
And as far as political correctness goes, we have gone too far with that one and we've made it impossible to go back to how it used to be.
How about gay mannequins?
OK I was in kohls the other day with Jen B and we saw this, and looked at each other like we had just seen a ghost! IT'S LAME! I mean I don't know what they are trying to say except..."wow our clothes will look good on you if you are in a wheel chair?" I don't get it. It doesn't make me wanna shop there any more or less.
I've never seen anything like that until today! Wow, that's definitely over the top.
Wow...! Wheel Chaired Mannequins. Nuts.
About the languages. My Grandma, Nona,and Nono came over on the boat. They came with a few bucks and their clothes. I looked up the Ellis Island records and saw that. My great-grand parents and grandma learned English quickly! They wanted to be Americans! Within years he was buying up some duplexes in Springfield and succesful. NO one offered him papers in Italian, no one said..hey let me post all the signs in Italian. They did it. I'm not a conservative at all. That, however, is something that I get hot about. My grandma could never understand people coming this country, getting all the welfare, and then not learning English,ever. She had a right to talk about it as much as she wanted. She succeeded!
I miss her and those talks. Ok, enough from me.
Very interesting, I actually heard on some news show or soemthing that they were making a mannequin that was a plus size so the bigger women could see what the clothing looks like in their size.
I think they have taken things a little to far....are people really that upset over this?
As a former fat person, no, they do not have fat mannequins. They have pregnant mannequins at the maternity stores, but no fat ones, not even at the fat girl store.
I am personally offended that there is no "bipolar mannequin". She should be holding a boy's hand, flicking a girl off, crying, and maxing all of her credit cards.
Charlie...glad to see you are back.
We need to know how tall you are and if you have ever slipped on some high heels....or had someone wear them in bed w/you. If time is available come let us know on my site.
Miss you..hope you are having fun with your time off.
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