Oh, Jane, I mean Mary, You are the BEST!

I want you ALL to come clean here tonight. In the spirit of a hot summer night in NY, how many of you have called a person by the wrong name in a sexual situation? Worse yet, how many of you have been called the wrong name by someone in a similar situation? I did it once, back when I was about 25. I was banging away with this girl Allison that I had only been dating for about a week and I called her Danielle, the name of the girl I dated for two years and just broke up with three weeks prior to this little episode. She was taken back at first, but was surprisingly cool about it. I think if I sucked in bed, she probably would have gotten angrier, but she let it pass and the night continued on without any Lorena Bobbit imitations.
Also, how often do you think people think of someone else while they are having sex with a person? I know my mind has wandered on a few occasions. Not with anyone I was "in love" with but on random occasions with girls that I was not really into or where the relationship was a complete bore. I anxiously await your comments!!!
Thankfully I have never called a guy by the wrong name, nor has that happened to me (knock on wood).
But I *have* fantasized about someone else when I was with one of my BFs in the past. The relationship was going downhill and I was not into him sexually anymore. So I thought of someone in the past whom I had intense sexual chemistry with...I felt a tad guilty for not being focused on my BF at that moment, but like I said...things weren't great and we broke up a month later anyway.
I can say that I have never messed up by saying the wrong name....I try to keep away from the name calling for that reason:)
I was never called the wrong name during sex but I was one night when I was fighting with my daughters father...he said "baby, baby, Mandy......"(not een close to Dawn) I made him sleep on the cold floor with no blankets:)
I use to strip for a few years so names were never tooo important most people lie about who they are anyways.
To answer your last question I do not think about anyone else when I am with my current boyfriend but I am sure that I have done it in the past it has just been so long ago.......
marie, i couldn't have said it better. I have had the EXACT same experience. (knock on wood as well)
and if anyone said those corney ass words to me "you are the best" like in your photo, I would have to slap him. haha
the cornier the better for picture captions!!!! :)
I have NEVER said someone else's name nor has anyone I've been with called me by another name. I'd be mortified. And you can best believe that if that ever happened I would not continue with the evening as planned. No. LOL.
But I have fantasized about others. Never old boyfriends or anything like that, but there's nothing wrong with a little harmless fantasizing. It spices things up. :)
This post cracked me up, for many reasons. One night, my equally "experienced" friend Rich and I decided to play The Alphabet Game... starting with A, name a person you slept with, and go through to Z. At first he said 'First name or last name?' to which I responded, "Have you ever called out a person's LAST name??" Then we laughed and realized neither of us ever called out ANYONE's name, EVER, for the very reasons you state here!
With my first husband sex was such a snoozer that I could only enjoy it on Tuesday nights after Moonlighting. I loved Bruce Willis back then. ;)
I just read Marie's comment and laughed out loud at "knock on wood".
I was once called a different name
I am more of an "Oh God!" kinda gal myself, so I have been spared calling a guy the wrong name. And I have never been called the wrong name.
As for as thinking about someone else: I have been with my husband for 11 years, married for 7, so if I only thought about him I would be one bored chick. I think its natural to fantasize sometimes ( not ALL the time, of course!). I am sure he does it too and I have no problem with it. I just don't want to know, and I know he doesn't either.
How about this...I was the name called out to another woman! I can laugh now that at least if he was screwing her he was thinking about me. LOL.
I agree...People think about others when the sex isn't good and the relationship isn't nearly as intimate as it could be.
Yes...I've thought of someone else.
Sooo much more on that subject, but that's plenty for now.
Nope never been called by another name. never been called by name as a matter of fact!
Although i am a Big name caller and have very narrowly missed the mistake with a short lived lover while thinking of the man I love to heaven and back.
I bit my lip and ultimatly never got the "O" cause i had to concentrate too hard on Keeping the dick in my mind straight.
WE were only screwing anyway so he probably wouldn't have cared, but still its a little tacky!
Nothing to confess here, it's never happened.
The only close case? During a drunken stupor at a Miami Dolphins tailgate party, I did call my wife Penny instead of Peggy.
Who the hell knows where that came from? (Probably from the case of beer I split with a buddy.)
In the end - grunt. It's hard to say the wrong name when you're spitting out unintelligible words.
I love Fred's comment: hilarious.
I've never been called anyone else's name or mistaken a boyfriend before either.
But, I did miss your birthday due my hectic week, so I wanted to wish you a happy belated birthday! I'm glad to hear the day was wonderful.
Wait, who HASN'T thought about someone else during sex? I've slept with Brad Pitt many times.
AI do it all the time!!!! "Oh God" is the name I call out!!!
I have done it many times, but thankfully have never been caught! I love to moan the guys name, it makes em hot, unless of course they were to notice I used the wrong name. A few times I've called out my ex-husband's name, in which case I was so completely grossed out orgasm was not an option. I was planning on screaming "C-mac" next time just to see if it made it any better ;)
:) Princess
PS: Pu, I think I would call you by a different name, too!
Why do SugerV and Hu always have the funniest comments. I think you guys feed off each other.
I think you posted that picture just to have a woman in her panties on your blog...
Heather, since you weren't offering any, I had to look on the internet!!! :)
Never happened. Me and my husband were together so long I didn't have all that many opportunities for it anyway.
You know, if you wanted a picture of a woman in her panties, I think there are a lot of your fans that would offer them up willingly...
And, I don't have any pictures of me in my panties and I don't have anyone to take some for me either!
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