Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Missing Out on "Something"

Have you ever sat around on a Saturday or Sunday or even a weeknight after work, bored and watching TV and thinking to yourself that EVERYONE else in the world is out having fun except for you? You picture them dancing, partying, doing all kinds of fun and entertaining things, only to find out the next day that everyone you talk to was doing the same thing you were doing? I think it's funny. Unless we are doing something fun and crazy (which we can't ALWAYS be doing), we always think everyone else in the world is having a blast. Especially now in winter, the weekends aren't as dazzling as the summer weekends are, so as you are sitting in front of the TV on a Saturday afternoon with Cool Ranch Dorito crumbs all over your shirt you think like "what the hell is wrong with me, everyone in the world is probably out having fun." Then when you get to work on Monday and ask everyone what they did on Saturday, they are like "food shopping", "errands", "laundry", and it's then you realize the TV and the Doritos were the thing to be doing on Saturday! After my workouts and dinner on weeknights, it's like 730pm, and I always feel bored like I am wasting time until I go to bed. I feel like the weeknights need more excitement......then I talk to people at work and they were either watching "Reality TV Shows" or doing something more boring than me.......I guess the moral of the story is, the grass isn't always greener......

1 comment:

supplymadam said...

I know what you mean. But weekends to me are for catching up on household chores too because we have no one to do them for us and working full time during the week and settling in at night is just fine for me. By the time the weekend comes unless there is something planned,I am all for staying in and doing the things that need to get done. I'm at the point where I am contented doing just that.