Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Endless Phone Call.........

Have you ever been on the phone with someone and the conversation is just dragging and you want to get off the phone so bad? The problem is they never stop talking and there is no “natural break” in the conversation where you can throw in an “ok, it was nice chatting with you” or an “it’s getting late” or something to end the conversation. Face it, we can’t just say “gotta go” in the middle of someone speaking, so we wait and wait for that natural break or pause in the conversation when you can throw in your transition line and get the hell out of the conversation. There is nothing worse than a drawn out conversation where it’s not funny, not serious, the person talking has NO point what so ever, or they repeat the same shit you heard last time. I suppose that’s why caller ID was invented. I am all about chatting and having a good time, but the conversation should have natural breaks in it. When you are talking to someone you enjoy the conversation with, it usually has a way of resolving itself naturally. Have you ever found yourself in the most boring conversation that you put the phone down and do chores, occasionally picking up the phone and saying “uh huh, yea, yea?” I hate it!


Anonymous said...

I know people that when they yap and yap I just put the phone down and they dont even notice!

Molly said...

I am all about the interuption technique. I just scream really loudly (yet politely ) OH MY GOSH I JUST LOOKED AT THE CLOCK and insert excuse and a time of at least 5 minutes prior...of course you then explain you would love to finish this conversation some OTHER time, then hang up with a cheery good-bye before they have a chance to process and keep you listening.

Bridget Unnel said...

My problem is people coming in my office to chat. GO AWAY!!!

supplymadam said...

Oh am I the expert on this subject. I too put down the phone and just let this one particular person ramble on. This one never comes up for air and I can't even join in on the conversation because there is NEVER a natural pause. Thank goodness for caller ID. I think of something I want to say and unless I say "HOLD ON LET ME SPEAK" I forget what I was going to say. Quite annoying. I feel like I am being stalked.