Tuesday, March 22, 2005


I always wondered why people in the workplace are rewarded for having a bad habit like smoking. Rewarded in the sense that they get to go outside about 20 times a day to smoke. I am a person who has never even tried a cigarette so I don’t understand the nicotine addiction, however, I do understand work and work ethic. There are people at my job and at jobs past that spend a good couple of hours a day if you add up the time for each cigarette, outside smoking. That’s insane. So, say I am addicted to caffeine, do I get to stand outside gulping down 7-11 Big Gulps of Coke all day? Maybe I have a food addiction, to I get to head outside a bunch of times daily to eat brownies and candy? What about our friendly crack addicts and alcoholics, perhaps we should give them a few breaks as well to get their fix?

I worked with this woman Kim a few years ago, Kim would take “work breaks.” See she would smoke all day and then take breaks from smoking to go to her desk and work. We dubbed her “Puffy” and the name caught on until she was finally fired for never doing any work. This woman smoked like 40 cigarettes a day. You know how Marlboro gives out prizes with like those UPC codes from the carton? Well this woman surely owned every Marlboro prize known to man which most likely included the Marlboro NASCAR, the Marlboro Jet, and I am sure she had a Marlboro couch, coffee table, and every other piece of furniture that had the logo on it. We would all take bets at the start of each day as to how many cigarette breaks she would take. We’d all toss in a buck and tally them up…..it made it fun. This woman STUNK of smoke all day, she had that cloud of smoke following her, sort of like that Pig Pen dude on the Peanuts cartoon.

Ok, off to take a Colt 45 break. hahaha


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. Especially if you work in groups and people decide that their smoking takes precedence over work, meanwhile the group has to work that much harder because they're one man down for 15 minutes at a time. It's really sad.

Molly said...

I think we should march for equal rights for our addictions! You are on to something CMac! Breaks for everyone! (then again it is a little easier to hide the Colt 45 addiction break, as you can pour it into a covered mug and enjoy it while looking busy working all day long! Take that smokers!)

Anonymous said...

Smoking is disgusting!! Use Febreeze to get the smell off. I am so happy the New York establishments have banned the smoking. :)

supplymadam said...

You know what I hate? When people are smoking by the entrance to buildings. The other day I went to Macy's and there was 4 people taking a "CIGARETTE BREAK" by the entrance so you had to walk through it. Screw that! Why does this country always cater to these things? I'll admit I used to smoke. Smoke free for 13 years now.But when I did, I never took breaks to smoke. I would only smoke at lunchtime and sit in my car somewhere to do it. I had respect for those that don't smoke.
My disabled friend smokes(like a chimney I may add) Whenever we go somewhere she comes out of the house with a cigarette puts it out before she gets in the car and lights one up as soon as she gets out of the car and then when we come out from wherever we are lights up again. I just don't get it!

Bridget Unnel said...

Our office doesn't allow smoke breaks, so we have no issue there. But if we did, I would demand 15-minute Milky Way breaks, just as a matter of principle. ;)