Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Car (theft) Alarms

So, at 4am today this car alarm was blaring from about two blocks away for over twenty minutes. If I can hear it VERY clearly two blocks away with my windows shut in winter, how the hell can the asshole who owns the car not hear it and turn it off? It's so annoying! Car alarms are useless anyway. Anytime we hear an alarm go off, we never think to ourselves, "wow, someone is stealing a car." We actually think "wow, some asshole set their alarm off" or "shut that fuckin' alarm off now asshole!" I think LOJACK is useful which can locate your stolen vehicle or a device that nature, but standard blinking and blaring alarms should be a thing of the past. Professional thieves will cut the alarm before they steal your car anyway, so what purpose does a loud and annoying alarm serve other than to wake my tired ass up at 4am? I'd go as far to say that 80% or more of the general population would turn a blind eye if they saw someone ACTUALLY stealing a car, let alone hearing an alarm. You know how it is, the average person "saw nothing" or "does not want to get involved" and turns the other way. Even stories on the news where someone is beaten or robbed in the middle of the day, people just stand around and watch. So, to the dick who woke me up at 4am, get LOJACK! I'm sure the asshole probably has the alarm on a fuckin' 1991 Hyundai Excel anyway.......


Bridget Unnel said...

I used to live in Hoboken and everybody had a car alarm. Well, present company excluded. If you know anything about that mile-square city, you know it's harder than hell to find street parking. So, if you happen to find a spot, you take it, even if your car is a wee bit bigger than the space. I've seen it a million times, people would just squeeeeeeeze it, tapping the cars ahead and behind enough to make the room you need. The car alarms would go off one after the other. It was like falling Dominos...

Molly said...

Car alarms ARE really pointless. I am right there with you on thinking "shut the damn thing off" never does it cross my mind "oh man someone is stealing that car!"

supplymadam said...

I am guilty of a car alarm. My car sits in my driveway and almost never goes off unless something loud drives by. But mine shuts off after about 90 seconds. The one good thing is when I am in a parking lot and forgot where the hell I parked I can call it.(I mean beep it)I didn't mean call it like a dog plus if was like my dog it probably wouldn't come unless I had food(gas)