Monday, March 07, 2005

Mirror, Mirror On the Wall

Have you ever noticed that some mirrors make you look so hot and others make you look like there perhaps should be a bag over your head? In some rooms, where the lighting is just right, you look in the mirror and you look so good, you actually start waiting for the camera crew to come and start shooting up a spread on you. Then you go in the next room and the lighting and mirror in that room makes you look like you want to hide under the covers and never come out. It's absolutely amazing what lighting and the right mirror can do or not do. In my bathroom, that's a pretty good mirror. If I put one set of dimmer lights on and I go a day without shaving and have that looks hot. If I was the "other way" I think I'd even wanna get with myself. haha Then there's a mirror in my room that NEVER makes me look good. Then I have a mirror in my dining room which is another "I am hot" mirror. But then a few steps away, at the top of the stairs by the front door of my house, that mirror is another rough one. So basically, I never know how the hell I really look! What's weird for me is, when I don't shave or when I think I look like crap, I'll get compliments. It's always when I think I look like crap that I hear good things...very strange I tell ya. Mirrors can make your face look bloated so much so that you have to weigh yourself like every hour to check if you really did get as fat as that mirror makes you look. I like when you are out at a bar or club and you go into the bathrooms there. The lighting and mirrors in those places usually make you look pretty good. The WORST mirror for me is the rear view mirror of my car. I ALWAYS look like crap in that mirror for some reason. I hate it and hate looking in it. Basically, I never know how I really look.....usually 0nly as good as the last mirror I've looked into.....

1 comment:

supplymadam said...

Yes I am quite aware of the mirror situation. I did notice that in a club bathroom especially when the light is above your head pointing downward,you tend to look better. I like the ones in the Fun House this way everyone looks wierd.