Friday, March 18, 2005

Why No Beard????

Last weekend I was flipping through the channels and I came across an old “Tarzan” movie. As I watched this man swing from vines and do his famous “call” I wondered why he has no beard. The guy lives his whole life in a jungle playing with animals, yet he is clean shaven. It makes no sense. I watch the TV show “Survivor” and after like a week the dudes on there have ZZ Top beards and the women have forests growing in their armpits, yet Tarzan seems to have access to shaving supplies. I guess the same could be said of the Gilligan’s Island crew…they always looked fresh and clean shaven as well. I’m sure they owe that to the witty professor who probably made them razors out of coconut shells and some kind of coconut based shave gel. Just a point to ponder……


supplymadam said...

That reminds me of the women that wake up all freshly made up and their hair all perfect. I wish I could wake up looking that good. If I get a good nights sleep though I wake up not looking half bad.

Anonymous said...

tarzan did carry a knife...he used it to stab crocs so he could have used it to shave too....i actually never thought about it before...