Monday, March 14, 2005

Daytime "Construction"

So I just got back to the office, I went to the supermarket on my lunch break to pick up a few things. As I approach the entrance to the supermarket, I notice two guys on ladders working on the doors of the supermarket. You could barely get in or out of the store just walking without a cart, forget trying to get a shopping cart in or out. This shit pisses me off. Fix the fuckin' door before opening or after the store closes, not in the middle of the day when people are trying to get in and out of the store. I also hate when they clog the aisles packing shit out while the store is open. You try to get down the aisle for something and the stock clerk looks at you like your are committing one of the seven deadly sins by going down that aisle. What the fuck? If you are going to stock shelves while the store is open, leave people some space to shop douche bag! Daytime road construction pisses me off too. The roads are clear at night, do that shit then when people don't have to be inconvenienced. With gas at like $10 a fuckin' gallon, who wants to be sitting in traffic for no reason. I live in a beach community and they always decide to rip up the bridges like a week before Memorial Day and work on it all summer long when traffic is at it's highest volume, WHY? Fix that shit during the off-peak season so you don't have to ruin everyone's fuckin' summer! People just make no fuckin' sense at all.


supplymadam said...

Is someone having a bad day?

Charlie Mc said...

my day is just lovely! :)