Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Last Bite

Don't you hate when you are eating something really good and you get down to the last bite, spoonful, or forkful? It's like you want more, but you know that's it. You like savor it, knowing it's the last bite. It sucks when you are enjoying something like an ice cream on a summer's day and you still have like half of it left and you are not in "last bite" mode yet and it melts off the stick and falls to the ground. That really sucks because you didn't get to that last "savory" bite yet. You are not in the right mental mode for it to all be gone and it pisses you off. The ice cream man is already 3 blocks away and you know you can't get another right away. It really sucks at like Yankee Stadium when you drop a hot dog or an ice cream because they are $10.00 each!

What's worse is when you live with family, friends, or significant other and you know there's something in the fridge or freezer at home that you want to have when you get there. It could be a dessert, leftovers, or something else really good. You are driving home and you can almost taste it, only to find out when you get home that someone ate it. To pour salt in the already open wound, you see like the wrapper or some other remnant of it at the top of the garbage in the kitchen. That always sucks big time!


Bridget Unnel said...

OMG - that happened last night! I had to work really late, and the only thing I kept thinking about on the long train ride back home was the leftover pizza I was going to warm up when I finally got home. Too late. Hubby devoured it. Nothing left for me but the empty plate they extras were sitting on in the fridge. Which I had to wash. After I took it -- cold and empty -- out of the fridge of course. GRRRR!!!

Molly said...

Oy ! I hate when I have a food plan that is thwarted by over-zealous eaters. I'm all about asking before eating.

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaah!! But some of us don't have this problem, we can leave it in the fridge for days on end and not worry about anyone eating it!